10 Dumbbell Thrusters
1 Pull-Up
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
2 Pull-Ups
8 Dumbbell Thrusters
3 Pull-Ups
7 Dumbbell Thrusters
4 Pull-Ups
6 Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Pull-Ups
5 Dumbbell Thrusters
6 Pull-Ups
4 Dumbbell Thrusters
7 Pull-Ups
3 Dumbbell Thrusters
8 Pull-Ups
2 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 Pull-Ups
1 Dumbbell Thruster
10 Pull-Ups
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Father and Daughter CrossFitters
CrossFit South Brooklyn BBQ!
Jim, Max, Marie and Pauline will be hosting a Barbecue for CFSBK on Sunday, July 6th at their rooftop deck. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend! Please RSVP via a comment on this post including your email address. We’d like to organize people to help out with some food and condiments so that we can all eat way too many blocks and make this BBQ a success. Once people start to confirm we will figure out who can bring what.
Thanks so much to our generous hosts for this great idea!
Today’s workout comes courtesy of Mike Rutherford at Boot Camp Fitness Kansas City
I will 100% be there. I can bring the funk and whatever else needs to be brought.
First off, BBQ sounds great. I’m going to plan on making it.
Deadlifting program:Warm ups:225 x 3245 x 3275 x 382% of 1RM:an utter failuremy lower back was still tight from the overkill on Thursday and the cleans from yesterday. I’ll have to pick up later in the week.
I ended up doing “Vertigo” on a horrible pull up bar for kipping, with 30 lb dumbbells: 9:18not super motivatednot a great trip to the gymlife goes on
also, I had another of those recurring dreams I was talking about last night in which I smoke a cigarette, realize that I’ve missed my goal of a year without a drag, self-loathing kicks in, and I wake up in the middle of the night. That’s the 3rd time in this week. Same dream, different settings. My imagination needs to get a hell of a lot more imaginative.
40# DBL7:08
Thanks for having me and Ari today. It was our first time at CFBKSouth. And of course we both left with hands to show for it :)Until next time we can kip!! David you rock!!
20# DB2 kipping pullups, 2 strict, rest jumping.
Hope to make it next Sunday for at least the beginning. I’d love to bring something, of course. Thanks Max, Jim, Pauline and Marie!margielempert@gmail.com
9:41with 40lb. Dumbbells.
Where did you buy those gymnastics pads for your hands? Those might be a good investment for mid-workout ripped hands.
Great job today, guys!
40# db9:04
As far as the bbq, count me in, let me know what to bring.
20lb db9:18my conditioning is coming aloneIam really grateful for every body’s support.I can’t thank all of you enough.
Flight to Cincy is way delayed so I’m sitting at the airport bar with some coworkers.
Bad News, I won’t be able to attend the BBQ.
Good News: I’ll be at the Games.
David – your time was 8:41
Jeremy – awesome!! Make us proud.
Jacinto – we’re only giving you back as much as you give to us.
Patrick,Great work today and great working with you. You’ll have that kip down in no time.
Safe travels Jeremy
40 # DB-8:51Ripped the heck out of my hands
I RSVP for this upcoming saturday. many thanks to jim, marie, pauline and max for the invite
I’m glad so many folks think they can make it to the BBQ! We’ll be sending out an evite a little later in the week with directions and such.
I tried the main site WOD today:”Lynne”5 rounds max reps of body weight bench press and pullups.
Subbed 135# for BP (about 90% bodyweight)
Round 1: 7/20Round 2: 6/16Round 3: 5/12Round 4: 5/13Round 5: 4/8
Bench total: 27PU total: 69
Bench is definitely one of my weaker exercises, and one I have only done once since starting CrossFit 5 months ago. I am definitely stronger on it despite not benching! Previously I never would have been able to put up numbers higher than 3 on the third to fifth rounds. I think there’s something to this whole CrossFit thing.
I could probably have put up a little higher numbers on the PU save for a nasty rip in my hand. Once you drop off the bar it doesn’t count though, so better numbers next time!
Parallette push ups: 3, 3, 3, 2
WOD:10lb dumbbellsjumping pull ups7:37
BBQ sounds fun! bethany.benzur at gmail
BBQ sounds great.
Workout today: move myself from manhattan to brooklyn, 5:30:00.
I’m definitely going to give Lynne a shot tomorrow; I haven’t benched in months and I think I’ll be pleasantly surprised at how it goes. Don’t know pushing 190# though.
wod time: 8:31 w/ 20 lb. dumbells
right after this wod i ate and passed out for 2 hours. it completely wiped me out!
heather and i are in for the bbq! i can bring whatever is needed no problem.
i’m unsure about the bbq – some plans are up in the air right now but i will let you know ASAP if i can make it! thanks for hosting!shpaddock@gmail.com
monday am:7x150yards freestyle swimming.
t-minus 2 weeks to race.
doing vertigo later today.
WOD time: 19:42 min (38 lbs DB)I did the PU strict as long as I didn’t have to do more than six in a row. Switched to jumped PUs then.
Apart from the WOD which I did in Brooklyn, this has been my toughest CF workout so far.