Would have liked to stand up with one of those last ones.
100 OHS for time..
Used the “mens weight” 95#
25:08 or :12? can’t remember.
Took me wayy too long. Mostly sets of 10 but I didn’t manage my rests properly. I could have gone faster. I bet I take 7 minutes off the next time. I’m going after it again on Saturday. We’ll see what happens.
Started out with a slightly wider grip which was killing my wrists. It was the main reason I had to keep dumping the weight. I liked the slightly more narrow grip.. Good call Darling.
Once I was finished I noticed my pinky was tingling
Great job everyone. You all make me so proud!
95,105,115,115,125,135,145(PR) (155(f))
10 on btb tabatas.
good work everyone – see you on monday!
Steph – you didn’t fail on anything last night! Did you? I thought I saw you get 155 up easy!
i got it up, but lost all form so i’m considering that a failure. if i kept form i wouldn’t have gotten it up!
Stephanie that’s not a failure. That’s pretty much what happens when you reach your max. You probably would have failed if you went higher.
It’s important to push your limits.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a really pretty perfect looking lift on someones 1RM.
Xuan Maisays
In that case then:95,105,115,125,135,145(PR),145(f)
The 1st attempt at 145 was an ugly, knee buckling affair. But, I got it up.
Allison thanks. In that case: 155 (PR)
Did Elizabeth tonight at the Box
7:3165lbs, power cleansjumping negatives (slow)
I think the full cleans I was practicing after the WOD were much better than during. Allison gave me a great cue that cleaned (ha) my form right up. Wish you’d been there before I started! Alas.It was fun, nonetheless.
Was going to take an off day until I realized I haven’t benched heavy all year, and have been fairly neglectful of that lift for a long time. Results were not encouraging.
Not where I want to be, at least I know how to fix it.
Who spotted you on the Bench? And did they let you push the bar or were they trying to make it a partner workout?
It was a decent spot, the bar stalled out about 8 or 9″ my and he gave me a bit of help to get me through that sticking spot. Even so a successful 300 would still be about 25#s from my pre-crossfit best.I think the capacity can be rebuilt fairly quickly I just need to mix it in to my workouts more often than I have been.
That’s great. I find that benching capacity comes back really quick. There are tons of great articles on the slow lifts in that Westside link i posted earlier.
Sneak Peak.. We’re going to be Split Jerking on Saturday. Buy some Goddamn O lifting shoes, everyone!
did “grindy” last night
65,65,45 on the C&Jjumping negatives, modified push ups (had to wait for the pull up bar a few rounds so was slowed down a bit)
wasn’t feeling great and it is so much harder to stay focused when going at it alone.
sad i’m missing the split jerks on saturday!! damn!
Hey David, any recommendations on shoes for O lifting?
b2b tabata: 10
10 on the btb tabata squats.
Would have liked to stand up with one of those last ones.
100 OHS for time..
Used the “mens weight” 95#
25:08 or :12? can’t remember.
Took me wayy too long. Mostly sets of 10 but I didn’t manage my rests properly. I could have gone faster. I bet I take 7 minutes off the next time. I’m going after it again on Saturday. We’ll see what happens.
Started out with a slightly wider grip which was killing my wrists. It was the main reason I had to keep dumping the weight. I liked the slightly more narrow grip.. Good call Darling.
Once I was finished I noticed my pinky was tingling
Great job everyone. You all make me so proud!
95,105,115,115,125,135,145(PR) (155(f))
10 on btb tabatas.
good work everyone – see you on monday!
Steph – you didn’t fail on anything last night! Did you? I thought I saw you get 155 up easy!
185, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245(fail), 245(didn’t fail)
1/2 B2B Tabata Squats
Great to see everyone again.
i got it up, but lost all form so i’m considering that a failure. if i kept form i wouldn’t have gotten it up!
Stephanie that’s not a failure. That’s pretty much what happens when you reach your max. You probably would have failed if you went higher.
It’s important to push your limits.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a really pretty perfect looking lift on someones 1RM.
In that case then:95,105,115,125,135,145(PR),145(f)
The 1st attempt at 145 was an ugly, knee buckling affair. But, I got it up.
Allison thanks. In that case: 155 (PR)
Did Elizabeth tonight at the Box
7:3165lbs, power cleansjumping negatives (slow)
I think the full cleans I was practicing after the WOD were much better than during. Allison gave me a great cue that cleaned (ha) my form right up. Wish you’d been there before I started! Alas.It was fun, nonetheless.
Was going to take an off day until I realized I haven’t benched heavy all year, and have been fairly neglectful of that lift for a long time. Results were not encouraging.
Not where I want to be, at least I know how to fix it.
Did some dumbell windmills and called it a day.
Who spotted you on the Bench? And did they let you push the bar or were they trying to make it a partner workout?
It was a decent spot, the bar stalled out about 8 or 9″ my and he gave me a bit of help to get me through that sticking spot. Even so a successful 300 would still be about 25#s from my pre-crossfit best.I think the capacity can be rebuilt fairly quickly I just need to mix it in to my workouts more often than I have been.
great squat there, John
That’s great. I find that benching capacity comes back really quick. There are tons of great articles on the slow lifts in that Westside link i posted earlier.
Sneak Peak.. We’re going to be Split Jerking on Saturday. Buy some Goddamn O lifting shoes, everyone!
did “grindy” last night
65,65,45 on the C&Jjumping negatives, modified push ups (had to wait for the pull up bar a few rounds so was slowed down a bit)
wasn’t feeling great and it is so much harder to stay focused when going at it alone.
sad i’m missing the split jerks on saturday!! damn!
Hey David, any recommendations on shoes for O lifting?
Would both work well, Max!