"Eva" (Sorta!)
5 Rounds for Time of:
Run 620 meters
30 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
30 Jumping Pull-Ups
620 meters is up President Street, across 5th Avenue, Down Union and back into the Lyceum.
Cleiser raises the bar yet again.
Lifted from CFNY:
Brian Harkins and Brian DeGennaro are preparing to teach a CrossFit Running Workshop.
The Brians will teach you the basics of the Running Technique as well
as put you through some high intensity speed drills and anaerobic
training. This dynamic combination of technique and training will
maximize your efficiency as well as increase your speed and endurance
for your next big event. This 10 week program will prepare you for the
upcoming running and triathlon season or simply give you a better
foundation for doing the CrossFit WODs.
This is a 10-week program that meets once a week. Tuesdays at 6:15pm
at The Black Box. Dress for any weather as these will be held outdoors.
Class will be held rain or shine or snow. It begins March 11 and costs
Check out this program if you’re interested in improving your running technique!! "Eva’s" runs today should have been enough of a sell for increased running efficiency.
35:16 (20 lb db)
Should have used a 12kg kb so I could be like Cleiser!
Awesome work you guys. It was kind of fun in all its brutality, don’t you think?
FYI – the running class at the Box is full, but I believe the Brians will do another in the spring.
or was it 36:15?
Sleeveless with the snow, now that’s hardcore.
If they do have another class in the spring, I hope to be able to sign up for it. My running needs help.
totally confused about my time … allison yelled out 940 something i think when i finished .. not sure what time to ‘add’ to this … can someone help me here … used 12 kg … next time should be able to go up some in weight but not sure how much … thanks for all those encouraging words at the end from everyone !!!
.. and yes Margie it was one of the more brutal WODs (my body is still feeling ‘high’ 6 hours later) … but still FUN … (did i really just say i had fun tormenting my body .. and brain .. for 30 some minutes?)
…. and i guess we Crossfitters should take a word of advice from the Scouts … BE PREPARED … you know David does’t give a …. hoot …. about someone not having the ‘right’ equipment to complete a WOD … the WOD is the WOD … and running is a part of crossfit training … live and learn as they say !
Hey Kev: I can’t remember now how much time needed to be added BUT I wrote down your time along with everyone eles in the book. So next time EVA comes up you’ll be able to compare it to today.
I still have to do this workout. I’ll probably make it up on the rest day. You guys did a great job today.
MARGIE: CONGRATS AGAIN ON YOUR 1ST CHIN UP!! I’m SO proud! You worked for it.
Thanks Allison!
Uhhh – have you seen tomorrow’s WOD? Fancy that! Guess we should work out tomorrow then.
David, Allison, Jacinto, Margie and the rest of the crew at CFSB today,
Thank you SO much for a wonderful workout and the post-workout chat. Not only is South Brooklyn a tremendous space but you’ve got a incredible crew filling it. Quite the workout today and I was honored to do my first Eva with you all. Look forward to many more great workouts in the future.
I’ve been following the site for nearly a year now and just finally made it in today. If anyone else is out there on the web who is doing the same thing PLEASE, PLEASE , PLEASE don’t hesitate to come in. I am really regretting not making it sooner.
PS-‘Eva (sorta)’ 28:5348 # KB (i think). 2/5 sets Russian Swings due to an iffy shoulder.Jumping Ring Pull-ups
Ok Ok Kevin – I get it! Sheesh. I did the WOD, didn’t I?! 😉
Shane – welcome aboard, you definitely kicked butt.
Hey everyone. Great workout yesterday. I was looking forward to lifting some weights, but this workout quickly put that urge to bed.
Thoughts during the workout:1st roundThe run’s not so bad, don’t go too fast, 4 rounds left30# isn’t too bad30 jumping pull ups, got ’em
2nd roundmy arms feel like cement blocks from those pullups, can’t keep them up30 swings, jeez30 jumping pulls, jump more
3rd roundWhat the F%*k30 more, 10 at a timeI hate jumping pull ups
4thcan’t talk, got to breathe
5thget this done as fast as i can to restneed water.
time 27:54