CrossFit Total
3 attempts at 1RM Back Squat, Press and Deadlift.
Your CFT is the sum of your best cleared lift on each movement. Competition standards and procedure were enforced by the coaches to ensure valid scores. The CFT is an extremely valuable metric by which our athletes can gauge their functional strength.
Congrats to Jeremy on a CFT of 1075
Margie says
Wow. I wish I’d been there to see that Jeremy! So amazing.
Jodi says
Thanks for letting me work out and helping me seriously correct my form tonight. It was great to learn that I’ve got a long way to go, just up’s the challenge ante.
Those were some bad ass lifts Jeremy was doing
Jeremy says
That picture sums up everything I love about the Deadlift. A heavy bar just sitting on the floor daring you to pick it up.