Workout of the Day
AMRAP 20:00
12/9 Cal Row
12 Plate Overhead Reverse Lunges, heavy
6 CTB Pull-Ups
Partners will alternate full rounds.
Lunges are alternating, 12 total, 6 ea side.
Pull Up Scaling:
A. 2-4 CTB
B. 6 Kipping Chin Over Bar
C. 6 Jumping Chest to Bar
3-4 Sets
5-8 ea side Single Arm DB Row, heavy
10-15 Seated Bent Over Reverse Fly
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/9)
Coach Erick at the helm of Short Circuit
Now Accepting Submissions for your CrossFit Haiku!
Our first Open workout of the year will be released Thursday and in anticipation, here is this week’s theme and extracurricular activity!
CFSBK (Evil) Spirit Week! A sea of darkness known as CFSBK imposes over the Open on week one. Wear all black and if you have a black CFSBK Skull and Bones shirt, rock it during Friday Night Lights or on Saturday!
CrossFit Open Haiku! Create and submit a CrossFit-centric haiku! If you’re not familiar, haiku is a short, unrhymed poem that adheres to a specific three-line, seventeen-syllable format. Line 1: Five syllables. Line 2: Seven syllables. Line 3: Five syllables. Below are some examples to get your creative muscles flexing:
Too many burpees
One hundred kettlebell swings
High fives all around
The CrossFit Open
Poetry and sweat abound
Can you lift our souls?
Row row row your boat
Rowing gently down the stream
Thrusters so extreme
My leg is aflame
A sliding tunnel of meat
I shall punish thee
All haiku submissions are to be emailed to: The winner of each week’s Extracurricular Open receives 5 extra classes or 2 CFSBK clothing items of their choice! Winners will be determined by a secret cabal at the top of CFSBK. Only individuals who are officially registered for the Open through CrossFit are eligible for prizes.
And lastly, as we want everyone registered to compete and know that life happens, here are all the ways to participate in this year’s open.