Advanced: 3-3-3-3-3
Beg/Nov: Work up to a sub maximal Heavy Triple
Post loads to comments.
“Tabata” Double-Unders
Alternate :20 of work followed by :10 of rest for 8 rounds.
Today’s rest periods will take place at the bottom of a mature squat. If you don’t have double unders, spend 10 minutes practicing.
Post highest round, lowest round and total reps to comments.
September Athlete of the Month
September brings out the best AOM yet, our entire community! We coaches would like to honor you all, and this is the forum to do it in. You come to Degraw street from near and far, even spending up to an hour on a bike or a subway car to train with us. You come to us early in the morning before work or school, you make time in your lunch hours to WOD with us, and you even make it in in the evening after a long day spent at a desk or caring for kids. You do ‘shifts’ at the gym, caring for your children while your spouse gets their WOD on. You’re willing to hold someone else’s kid so that their mom or dad can finish up at the end of a class. You make time for not just the fitness aspect of CFSBK but you also put in hours and energy to volunteer at events both in-house and on the road. You do your best to learn the names of the people who are squatting and skipping rope next to you. You cheer, hoot, and holler encouragement at your people. SBKers are YOUR people…You lift hard, you row hard, and you push yourself and everyone around you to be better. You are coachable. You are humble, and eager to help a new member feel right at home. You travel and visit CrossFit gyms around the country and world at large and represent South Brooklyn well. You are proud, if not even a little conceited, that you work out at CrossFit South Brooklyn. You bring your dogs into the gym so the dog-less among you can get a little canine love in the form of a belly rub or a lower leg tongue bath. You socialize outside of the gym with other SBKers and know how to show love the Brooklyn way, whether or not you were born here. Most of all, you ‘get it’. You are not selfish and you love to see people do well, which is a big part of why we do well.
Thanks to all you special people who make CFSBK what it is and are part of our team. It doesn’t exist without you.
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Elyse Umeda Does Mainsite’s OHS/FSQ/BSQ Heavy Singles WOD