Coaches McDowell and Josh Perform a Kettlebell Swing, Pull-Up Couplet
Shoulder Dysfunction, Where to start?
A lot of shoulder dysfunction has its roots in poor posture. If you walk around all day with your shoulders internally rotated and your head pushed forward, chances are that your thoracic spine and scapula have lost optimal function. The problem with this is that when you go lift a weight overhead, do a push-up or try to snatch, certain joint positions won’t be available to your body so other areas will have to compensate to finish the job. Watch this short video to see a very basic overview of how some of your bones are supposed to move when your arms go overhead. You can see that the scapula, clavicle and humerus all share responsibility to finish the job. The video doesn’t account for the contributions of the Thoracic and Cervical spine, but just know they play an important role too. If the imbalances in the system arent addressed inflammation and pain may become present. Over time long term injury and dysfunction may eventually result. So what to do about it? Start with these simple MWODs below and see if you can’t begin to break up some of your gnarly restrictions. Watch each one and give them a shot pre-workout. See if you can’t get into better positions or “cool off” some existing inflammation.
Shoulder: What to Fix First
Pain Ball: Calling All Shoulders
Darth Shoulder
Death By Desk
The Neck of a Desk Warrior Poet
If something feels a little off but not necessarily injured or painful, your best bet is to start doing some soft tissue work around the area to see if you can’t create some relief for yourself. Additionally, make sure every exercise you do using that area of your body is performed with perfect execution and a controlled tempo. I’ve seen many folks “lay off” an area without really seeing much improvement while others train smart through and around the issue and experience a quick return to normalcy. Often by using the tissue modestly and correctly, the increased blood flow stimulates a recovery process that promotes tissue healing. Again, your emphasis becomes controlled movement, not performance or intensity. If a particular movement seems to aggravate any tissue, let a coach know and we’ll modify it for you. Train smart, move well and listen to your body.
Chronic or painful symptoms should always be treated by a trained professional.
Finally, if you’re spending the majority of your waking life in poor positions, you need to address these postural issues and find effective strategies to improve them. (STOP! What is your posture like Right Now?)
Help Lara Find a Place to Live!
CFSBKer extraordinare and all around awesome lady Lara is looking for a place to live in the hood. Here are some deets on her and what she’s looking for. Help a sister out!
-Starting January 1st or even sooner
-(Trains that connect to Atlantic Terminal, A/C, F train is okay too)
A little about me:
I am a straight-talking firecracker with emotional strength and intelligence. I care about integrity. I am down to earth. I love friendly, sharing, awesome folks who like to keep common spaces clean and tidy and have a passion for life. I love to laugh. I like to cook and share. I love crossfit. I am an actor/producer and also a JetBlue flight attendant. I work long days and on my days off I am auditioning and working on other projects.
If this jives with what your living situation, please email me at larasilva99(AT) so we can start a conversation!
Watching People Lift Heavy Things CFSBK’s Own Samir Chopra
Is Sitting The New Smoking? Discovery
Sitting Is Killing You