Fitness: 3×3
More heavy triples this week. Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Performance: 9×2 Dynamic Effort 55% (plus bands) x 2 reps every 30 seconds for 4 minutes
Focus on moving the bar fast, and being aggressive at the hips and quads with a tight finish position, no soft knees or hips. Dead start, no touch and go.
1RM Chart
250-325 Red Band
325-400 Blue Band
400+ Green Band
Post loads to comments.
DL e5/6
5 Rounds For Time of:
12 Kettlebell Swings 32kg/24kg
20 Anchored Sit-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
An Opportunity to state how you’d like to finish the month.
Happy Birthday, Jay R!
Will Power!!!
How is the LFPB Challenge going for you? Are you still forging strong or are the changes you committed to at the start of all this beginning to dwindle away? This write up is for those of you in the latter camp that might be getting frustrated with yourselves and losing motivation to follow through with your initial goals. I hope this can help put some things into perspective for you and hopefully give you some tools to reclaim positive behaviors.
Will power is an expendable resource. Instead get good at compromising.
The beginning of the year is a perfect storm for starting a change process. It seems like everyone around you and all you hear about is how people are starting resolutions and making positive changes to their lifestyle. Asking for no bread at dinner, getting up early and making breakfast before taking that 6am WOD class all seem so natural, why haven’t you always been doing this!? But, as time goes by those habits might seem more like huge emotional drains versus staying up late, waking up at 8am then getting a bagel and coffee before taking the subway straight to work.
Lets break down why this switch might happen:
The following three headers are components of motivation. By breaking down
No one said this would be easy! Behavior change takes time, commitment and the right perspective. You won’t be perfect and that’s okay, accept it. What’s important is to find the triggers the DERAIL you and avoid them like the plague. It may take 6 months of consistent change before things totally feel natural, intuitive and easy. Rome wasn’t built in a day (or 6 weeks). Stay strong and know thyself.