Spend 12 Minutes working up to a heavy load on the following complex:
1/2 Pull
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Split Jerk
Post loads to comments.
C&J e3/6
For Time:
20 Kipping Pull-Ups
800m Run
20 Kipping Pull-Ups
400m Run
20 Kipping Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Hit it and Quit It
The Open schedule gives us 5 days to complete each workout. Some people notoriously attempt the workouts 2 (or more!) times in that window to try and get a better score each time. In our opinion, unless you’re on the chopping block for making it to regionals it’s best to “hit it and quit it”. First off, lets put the Open into perspective. For most of us mere mortals this is an annual benchmark where we can see how we do versus our friends in the gym and strangers across the globe. It’s cool to see where you’re at but in terms of actual placement, the stakes are pretty low. If you’re sitting at 1,511th place in the North East (where I’m at) re-doing the workout and moving up to say, 1,432th place does little more than to stroke your own ego… sort of I guess. While each workout IS a test, they shouldn’t interfere with your training program to the point that you’re actually not as productive in your long term goals because you spent 5 weeks doing a bunch of the same workouts over and over again. Additionally, going into the Open with the mentality that you might re-do the workouts will only weaken your initial attempt at it. Take the time to plan your strategy, watch other folks do it to inform your perspective and then give it everything you’ve got one time. Don’t give yourself the easy out of a “re-do” just because you can. It makes about as much sense as doing “Fran” Monday day and then seeing if you can shave 3 seconds off your time on Wednesday. Maybe you can, but it doesn’t really mean that you’re any fitter necessarily, maybe you just were a little better at how you worked your transitions or broke up your reps.
The Open is awesome and one of my favorite times of the year. I love seeing everyone come together to compete and see how their training over the last year has paid off. Have fun with it, hit each workout hard and move one to the following week.
What are your thoughts on re-doing Open workouts?
Interview: Coach Greg Glassman