Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 50% of 1RM (capped at 20).
Post loads to comments.
For time:
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Every Minute on the Minute:
5 Burpees
At the call of “go” and then at the top of each minute, perform 5 burpees before moving directly to the kettlebell. This workout is capped at 10 minutes.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Do you forget what our schedule is sometimes? (We’re talking to you people who show up for the mythical 9am class!) Check out these new Group Class Schedule and Price lists available at the Front Desk. Pick one up and put it on your fridge!
News and Notes
- Good luck to all our CFSBKers competing in the CrossFit Hoboken: Winter Challenge 7.0 today! Coaches Ro, McD, MeLo, JB, Jess, Fox, and Noah are competing, as well as Jason M., Zachariah H., K HarpZ, and Alex B. See the workouts here!
- We’re hosting a complimentary handstand clinic followed by a short WOD today from 3:30-4:30pm followed by drinks courtesy of our friends at lululemon athletica in Brooklyn. The beer social afterwards will be held one block over at our new neighbors Threes Brewing. If you’re interested, please RSVP to brooklyn-store (at) as space is limited for the class. If you don’t make it into the class or can’t make it, folks are still welcome over for some drinks afterwards.
Low Bar Versus High Bar Back Squats
By David Osorio
As you have probably noticed, we have not been specifying which version of back squats we want people performing in each cycle, and are leaving it up to you. As CrossFitters, we would ideally be well-rounded and should have some capacity in each version. If one version is particularly challenging for you and you’ve been unable to make progress with your positions in the lift, then you can choose the version which seems to be working better for you.
Low bar back squats can be better for people with knee issues, people who want to lift more weight relative to a high bar squat, and folks with tight ankles and good shoulder mobility. The low bar squat biases the muscles of your posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, etc.) more effectively and is our general go-to squat when starting people out.
The high bar back squat can be better for people with good ankle mobility but perhaps not great shoulder mobility. It’s also a bit easier to learn since it is essentially a weighted version of air squats which we all are used to doing. This version biases the quadraceps relative to the low bar version and uses a more upright posture.
Both versions are effective, both versions will contribute to overall strength development, and we don’t recommend avoiding one completely out of personal bias. For your average CrossFitter, gaining some competency in each version can make you more well-rounded and allow you to include two different types of stimuli in your squat training. I don’t care what the internet says—they will both provide positive strength transference to all your non-squatting activities, especially for CrossFitters.
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