Back Squat/Front Squat
Back Squat 75% x 8-12 x 2, Front Squat 75% x 8-12 x 2
Leave 2 reps in the tank.
Be mindful of maintaining good positions and not devolving into bad form for the sake of an extra rep or two.
Back Squat 2 x 5, Front Squat 2 x 5
Load is 90% of what you used on Wednesday.
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Exposure 12/16
Post Rx to comments.
Benson is BUMMED that we had to reschedule the Community Potluck, but at least he gets to chow down at this custom feeder made by Andrew S.
About That Blizzard
Due to the impending blizzard, the Community Potluck has been postponed until Saturday, February 6th at 7pm. Stay safe, everyone! You can still leave a note on the event page to let us know what you plan to bring, and we’ll need some volunteers to come by at 6:30 to set up and/or stay for a little while after to clean up on February 6th. Please e-mail our Events Coordinator Danae M. at Events [at] to let her know you’re available to help out.
Yoga for Athletes is cancelled today!
Anti-Gravity will be cancelled tomorrow, since Noah is away.
However, group classes and Active Recovery are still ON for today! Woo hoo!
Keep checking in here for updates, annoucements, and burnt offerings to Boreas, god of the north wind.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
A Day in the Life of Brooke Ence YouTube
Why Is So Much of the World’s Great Art in Storage? Quartz
Changes in Climate Have Always Made Things Worse for (Accused) Witches Atlas Obscura