Workout of the Day
3-4 rounds for Quality and Load:
6-8 Kickstand DB/KB RDL, building
:45-1:00 Handstand hold
10-12 Single Leg Calf raises
On the RDLs, keep your weight in the middle of your front foot, with the knee staying slightly soft throughout. Do not shift to your back leg.
Handstand hold can be wall facing, wall supported, or free standing. Accumulate the time as needed. The movement can be further scaled to an angled wall hold.
Calf Raises can be done at wall or rig for light balance support. If 12 high quality reps to full ROM at bodyweight is no issue for you, add load.
5 Rounds for Reps of:
:30 Max reps Double-Unders
:30 Rest
:30 Max Reps Deadlifts
:30 Rest
:30 Max Reps DB Strict Press
:30 Rest
Weights today should be relatively light and unbroken for each interval.
Double Unders: Aim for 40-50+ reps per set. Scale to alternating foot steps or single unders.
Deadlifts: Aim for ~15 reps per set (+/155/135/105/85/55..)
Strict Press: Aim for 10-15+ reps unbroken (+/35/25/20/15…)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Jen’s reflections on mother nature, her mind, body and the CFSBK community
