Workout of the Day
A. Back Squat
(This is tomorrow’s rep scheme.)
B. Deadlift
EMOM X 10 MIN: 2 reps @ 85-90% of Week 1’s Heavy 3.
C. Bench Press
*Option to superset 4×16 alt reverse lunges, loaded anyhow.
D. Gymnastic Capacity
Option 1 (strength): 5 x 8-12 Banded Strict Pull up
Option 2 (skill/capacity): 7 x 4-8 Kipping CTB or “peak pull” Pull Ups (as high as possible)
E. Hang Clean
Back Squat: Aim to load heavier than last week if you hit that exposure.
Deadlift: You may touch and go the second rep today. If you were not here for week 1, use a recent heavy triple or double to guide your loading. Otherwise, find something that feels like a 7.5-8/10 RPE and work there!
Gymnastics: Choose one of the options based on your current are of opportunity (strength or skill). Whether strict or kipping today, work on your “peak pull” — pulling as high as possible on each rep. This might mean you start with CTB and gradually adjust down to a chin over bar pull.
6 Rounds for Time
12/9 Calorie Row
12 DB Deadlifts
8 Kipping Knees to Elbows
We’re aiming for an 8-10 minute workout here, on average. Scale accordingly!
DB weight should be an unbroken, heavy set of 12
On the Knees to Elbows, work on engaging your lats and pushing the shoulders back behind the plane of the bar on each rep. Keep the arms straight. The rep is complete when the knees touch the elbows themselves, not the triceps.
Knees to Elbows Scaling:
A. 8 Kipping
B. 4-6 Kipping
C. 4-6 Strict KTE
D. 8 Kipping knees to chest (lift as high as possible on each rep)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
Happening today: Knee Seminar with Coach Brett
Knee Strength, Stability, and Range of Motion Seminar with Coach Brett
After a few years of significant knee pain, constant swelling, and not being able to do Box Jumps/Cleans/Jump Rope/etc, I started following a knee program recommended to me by a physical therapist that I respect. I spent the last 5 years practicing and training the movements to strengthen the connective tissue (calves, anterior tibialis, quads, hamstrings) around my knees. My knees are now stronger than ever AND have more controlled range of motion than I have had previously. It was a long road, but I’m now doing Cleans, Box Jumps, Double Unders and even Pistols(!) again! In this Seminar I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned to help you get out of knee pain, to break through your squat plateaus, or simply help you move through everyday life in a more confident way.
Who is this Seminar for?
Tired of knee pain when you move? Plateauing on strength gains with your squats? Have a feeling of dread or fear when you see Wall Balls or Jump Rope programmed in Group Class? Looking for a daily routine to keep your knees active? Want to jump higher? Want to simply be able to keep doing the things you love to do without stiff joints getting in the way? Are you shaking your head, thinking, “If you had my knees, you’d understand…”? I thought that too. If you answered “Yes” to any of those questions….this seminar is for you.
What you can expect
We’ll spend three hours together going through all of the movements in the program to make sure you have a proper understanding of progression and execution. I’ll take you through a full workout for your knees, starting with assessment, muscle activation, range of motion work, strength work, finally finishing with some mobility. We’ll go through detailed progressions to take you from where you are to start building those bulletproof knees. You’ll leave with a specific plan on how to advance toward a greater PAIN FREE range of motion and how to systematically add load to the movements.
This event is sold out. Stay tuned for future seminars!