Fitness: Perform 4-5 Warm-Up sets then a reasonably heavy 3×5 across
Performance: Perform 6-7 total sets to find a heavy single. Afterwards drop back to 80% and do 1 set of 4-10 reps. Prioritize upper back integrity.
Post loads to comments.
conjugate squat e2/6
Perform 5 Rounds for max reps of:
1:00 Max Calories Rowed
1:00 Max Wall Ball Shots
1:00 Rest
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Dogs Are An Important Component of Fitness!
- Registration for FIGHT GONE BAD 2012 will be open through 9/11. Sign up today!!
- We currently have 55+ orders in for Kelly’s book. Remember to email David(at) with “Leopard” as the subject line if you’d like to be included in the wholesale/presale promotion.
General Informed Freestyling
A common theme from Mobility WOD is the idea of “informed freestyling”. Basically, when you’re mobilizing, instead of remaining static and settling into a singular position, you’re actively moving around trying to loosen up the tissue and hunting for other restricted areas. I’m a huge fan of total body informed freestyling in response to or as preventative maintenance for general stiffness. One way to approach this is extensive DROMs, but my bias is towards ground based movement. Ideally this is accompanied by a foam roller, straps and a lacrosse ball. More often than not, a mobility rx is reactive and targeted towards tissue you know is tight and preventing you from getting into positions you want to achieve. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and probably the way you should spend most of your time stretching out. The problem however, is that sometimes it’s at the expense of a more generalized approach to soft tissue health.
Lets start with the mindset that general stiffness is not normal and that you can do something about it. To make an analogy, if you walked around hungry all day, a light would go off in your head to do something about it. We don’t often listen to our bodies in the same way when our joints feel creaky and muscles feel stiff. This should be a huge red flag that you need to spend a little more time doing generalized restorative movement. Here are some quick benefits of a short total body movement session:
- Increased blood flow = Increased nutrient transport and hydration to all your tissues
- Excess metabolites are pushed into the lymph (think of it like “cleaning” an area of excess junk)
- Synovial fluid is pumped into your joint capsules, lubricating them
- With dedicated a breathing strategy and a modest pace, you can increase parasympathetic nervous system activity and decrease anxiety
Okay so how do we do it? Well there’s no one right way to do this and how you’re feeling that day should dictate your session but here are some general guidelines.
1. Set aside some time and space to move. 10-15 minutes should be enough to feel a lot better, I often put on a record and go at least until one side finishes. My preference is before bed since you can attack a whole day’s worth of stiffness and it’s a great way to unwind mentally. In terms of space, I love love LOVE my square36 mat. Yoga mats provide insufficient area to move around on and I constantly have to reposition myself or the mat. (use the discount code cfbrooklyn36 to get $10 off a S36 mat!).
2. Start low and work high (or vise versa). Start by doing some D-Dog calve marches, manually rolling your feet around, stretching out your toes, maybe using a LAX ball on your feet. Gradually work upstream spending more time in areas that feel tight. Use stretches you remember from Group or Active Recovery class, make stuff up, work basic splits, twists, bends and be creative. You’ll undoubtedly find positions that feel great and areas that are tight. Keep your breathing consistent and deep.
Here are some videos from our buddies at Body Tribe that might give you some more ideas:
Quick Mobility Play
Tav’s Brutal Recess
Staying Loose
3. Pepper in some Foam Rolling, LAX work or band stretches. You might even start here and then get into the informed freestyling. If you’re not sure what to do, take an Active Recovery class!
4. End with some deep breathing laying flat on your back, drink some water then go to bed!
Related Videos:
Gil Hedley: Fascia and stretching: The Fuzz Speech
Always Be Mobilizing
Informed Freestyling Always
The Greatest Dog in All the Land
6am with Josh. Partnered with Nick on the front squats. Worked up to my goal of 245 and hit it with ease. Pushed by Nick to try more and nailed 255. Ugly, but a PR! Dropped down to 205 and did 6 reps.
134 wall-balls (20# ball) and 90 calories on the couplet. I started on wall-balls, which gave an advantage to that movement. First 3 rounds of wall-balls were unbroken at 31, 30 and 28. Then everything started breaking down. Tough WOD.
Congrats, Joy, on being Queen of the 6am hollow holds.
Really liked the article about freestyling. Trying to figure out who wrote it. Usually unsigned pieces are by David but I have a hard time believing he has a turntable and listens to records.
6am and 7am PACKED!
Hit the front squats with my numbers from the last time I did them firmly in my mind only to go up more than 40 pounds since the last time I did them. That was a good feeling. I think I could have gone even more but I spent so much time/reps doing much lower weight.
after I hit my 7th and 8th single 165 I did 10 at 140. This also set me up for some ugly WODing after.
88/63 Wall balls @ 20# and rowing. My legs were cooked.
Great to see Jayme back in the box after her time in Chicago. (will have to make the most of it for the next 3 months before she goes and joins her husband down south.
Dan, Andrew, Dave etc all looking like they were putting up quite a lot on the FS. Impressive.
7 a.m. with David and Josh – Had only the vaguest idea where I would be with the front squat. I worked up to a heavy single at 185#. It felt pretty good and I think I could have hit 190/195, but it was my seventh set so I called it a day. Did eight reps at 145# for my drop down set. I think I had two more in the tank to make it 10 and am slightly disappointed I racked the bar.
Partnered with Mike on the WOD. Accumulated 103 calories for the row and 80 wallball shots. Even the thought of wallballs used to inspire a twinge of nausea, but I am happy to say I'm over it. I'm not saying I love them, but it's no longer the despised movement it was.
Squat: 320x5x1
Bench: 165x5x3
Deadlift: 340×5
My right knee has been acting up recently, made it through one set then on the 1st rep of the second felt a weird sharp pain. Decided to live to fight another day, seems to feel ok. Only feel anything on quick movements. we'll see how a few days off help. Bench was as good as to be expected. Deadlift at 340 was heavy as shit, especially since I had no breakfast beforehand. talk about tired. My goal right now is just to make it to the total intact. Damn creaky old man body.
Worked up to 245 on the front squat, although I'm certain I had an extra 10-20 pounds left in me. I've been having trouble getting up to work weight quick enough and not pissing my time away, so I decided that I'd just suck it up and take it as my punishment for being a slowpoke.
Row/WB was 84/87. Row felt consistent, was able to stay controlled and generally hit 1 calorie per pull. Wallballs are always rough, they do a real number on my discomfort intolerance. Quickly degenerated to doing sets of 5 and trying to limit rest.
Fun stuff. Woohoo morning.
Worked up to 225 on the FSQ, which is a PR by 10 though I haven't front squatted in awhile. Felt like I had another 10lbs or so more but didn't push it since I'm a bit sore from yesterday. Then did 7 at 185.
I didn't write down the numbers separately for the WOD but from memory it was somewhere around 100 cal and 91 WB (it was 191 total)
Big, brutal 6am class with Josh. Back to PM classes tomorrow.
Lunge and hollow hold (go Joy!) warmup after light single-unders and foam rollings. Some new stretches mixed in there, too.
Partnered with Mike on the FSQ.
[45×5, 95×5, 125×4] 150x3x5
These felt infinitely better than the 5×5 FSQ at 135 I did for the row/squat workout recently. Went with 150 because of that previous workout, but was happy that these all went up as easily as they did.
Horrific (in the best way) WOD. I guess David is just handicapping us all before he makes the FGB teams. It was, though, great to be in a huge class where everyone felt similarly tortured.
RD 1: 24 kCal – 21 WB = 45
RD 2: 23 kCal – 20 WB = 43
RD 3: 22 kCal – 17 WB = 39
RD 4: 21 kCal – 16 WB = 37
RD 5: 20 kCal – 16 WB = 36
TOT: 110 kCal – 90 WB = 200
Got myself pumped to knock out the last minute of WBs unbroken, but the ball slipped out of my hand after number six and had to fight to get to 16. Happy with the rows, but didn't control the stroke rating well enough to avoid having to take two strokes per calorie at point towards the end. Overall very happy with the numbers.
5pm class.
-lax ball glute
-3 Rounds NFT: 16 reverse lunges and :30 hollow hold
Front Squat:
(45×5, 95×3, 125×2, 145×1)
165×1, 175×1, 185×1
-just looked at an old log book and this is a 5# PR. Even happier because I feel like I had more in me. New goal is 200.
WOD @ 14# wb:
r1) 23wb/11cal
r2) 20wb/13cal
Total) 97wb/52cal
-This was brutal. Hips not happy. Anticipating major quad soreness in the coming days…
6PM Class with Fox and Noah, showed up early so did some front rack band mobilization, 2min/side and rolled t-spine, glutes, and calves.
DROMS+LAX in class
WU (3x)
8e rev lunge
:30 hollow hold
Front squat
45×5 135×4 185×3 205×1 210×1 215xF drop 170×6
Was aiming for around 200, so happy with the 210.
WOD (5x)
1:00 20# wall ball (28,26,23,21,19)
1:00 row for cal (12,13,12,12,12)
1:00 rest
Powered through the wall balls, last set fell apart around 13, was tossing the thing all over the place. Felt like a struggle on the row but stayed consistent. Was really more like :40 rows after the strap-in/reset.
8 PM with McDowell and Noah. Set a PR on the Front Squat with a #320 single. Did a drop set at 255, but could only get 3. Way too hard to get a breath.
WOD, I think (don't know what happened to my white board) at 77/53 row cals and wbs.
Good to be back after our two week vacation!
Front Squat 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×3, 195×1 165×9
WOD 107 WB and 62 calories
Make Up Post from yesterday:
Wb: 95
Cal: 56
Wall Balls made me want to die.
frontquat 3×5 145. 20 higher than my previous max but i can probably go up much more.
wallballs 16# 100, cals 83. wasn't so bad.
Make up post:
Worked up to 205, didnt feel that heavy but then failed at 225. Ran out of time to do drop set. 🙁
Wod 90 cals/88 wbs.
Would get really mad every time a erg pull did not net 1 calorie.
Front Squats
Worked up to 145#. Failed at 160#. If I had more time, I think I would've made it. Anywho, this is a 10# PR (I know, my front squat sucks.)
Total: 146 w/ 16# medball