3 rounds for time of:
50 reps of your "Goat"
Run 620 meters
In this WOD, you're going to pick what you're worst at (your "goat") and do it.. for 150 reps.
Snatch Technique
Established 2007
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3 rounds for time of:
50 reps of your "Goat"
Run 620 meters
In this WOD, you're going to pick what you're worst at (your "goat") and do it.. for 150 reps.
Snatch Technique
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Survey: Would you rather..
1. Stay upstairs and have the occasional headache about bailing on weight.
2. Move back downstairs where bailing is never a problem, however we would have to load/unload the equipment every class and move the mats about 2x per month.
We're planning on doing "MURPH" on Monday for Memorial day. Does anyone know an outdoor location in Prospect Park with ample pull-up/monkey bars? We can bring the rings out as well. Also, what time would be ideal for most people to get together? We will be combining Beginner's and Group classes for this WOD.
Andy gets to experience what CF is like on the other side of the Camera.
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For time:
75 Push-ups
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 50 reps
50 Ring Dips
40 pound Weighted Pull-ups, 30 reps
25 Handstand Push-ups
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We're going to stagger-start small heats of 2-3 athletes in this WOD. If you've got a stopwatch, please bring it. Here are some possible MODS:
A: 75 Push-Ups, B: 75 Modified Push-Ups, C: 75 Elevated Push-Ups
A: 95 lb. SDHP, B: 65 lb. SDHP
A: 50 Ring Dips, 50 Jumping Ring Dips, C: 50 Parallette Dips
A: 40 lb. wt. Pull-Ups, B: Decreased load or Bodyweight Pull-Ups C: Jumping Negatives
A: HSPU, B: Decreased ROM HSPUs (with stacked Abmats) C: Decline Push-Ups
Have a plan of attack on this WOD. If you're unsure of your rx'd loading parameters come early to get a feel of the loaded movements. Coaches will be on hand to assist you, obviously.
Anterior Bail/Posterior Bail
(dramatic face not necessary)
Check out the CFG website. There is a good likelihood that Jeremy Fisher will be representing CFSBK at the games this year!
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5 Rounds for time of:
OHS 3 Reps
FSQ 6 Reps
BSQ 9 Reps
Box Jumps 12 Reps
Men use 95lbs., Women use 65lbs.
Post Time to Comments.
Please remember that there will be 4 live cameras today for the documentary. I’ll be at the lyceum around 4 to start cleaning up, do my interview and demo some typical CF movements. Anyone who wants to come early for an interview or to help clean up is both welcome and encouraged.
Welcome aboard the 3rd cycle of Foundations!
Pre-Interviews (there are a couple more in the scrap book)
Pioneer Valley CrossFit
Got Ring Strength?
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5 Rounds For time of:
20 Overhead Walking Lunges (40% Body Weight)
20 Knee to Elbows
Post loads and time to comments.
"Does my butt look big in these?"
Cook some organic chicken breast on a non-stick pan with a little bit of olive oil. Once the chicken is about 90% done you can add a generous helping of swiss chard and asparagus into the mix. I prefer to broil the asparagus with oil, pepper and garlic for about 10 minutes before I add it to the pan but that’s really only to preserve some texture.
Season with some pepper and lemon before enjoying. If you’re zoning you may want to add some fruit for dessert. Preferably berries.
This meal took about 15 minutes from start to finish.
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"Achieving the Muscle-Up"
By Jon Gilson of AgainFaster
Coach Allison will be at the "CrossFit Kids" cert this weekend and the "CrossFit Olympic Lifting Cert" next weekend.
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If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.
Heat 1 sets up.
Cool Down/Unload:
Alternating Reverse Barbell Lunges 60% BWx8ex3
3 Rounds:
20 OH Sit-Ups
20 Reverse Sit-Ups
Here is the "Muscle-Up Formula" from the 6pm Class:
Pull-Up + Transition + Dip = Muscle-Up
Pull-up = False Grip + Full ROM pulling strength
Transition = Technique + Rotational Strength
Dip = Full ROM pushing strength + Ring Support
Why your elbows must stay in front of the bar during Presses.
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We’ve added a few new Beginner’s Classes to our program!
Here is a detailed list of all our class times:
Beginner’s Class Schedule
Monday: 6pm (Free for Foundation’s Participants)
Wednesday: 6pm
Saturday: 11:15am
Sunday: 11am
Group Class Schedule
Monday: 7pm
Wednesday: 7pm
Saturday: 10:15am
Sunday: 12pm
We are now offering Weekly Unlimited Class Cards for 50$. If you go to 4 classes per week you save 30$, if you attend 3 classes per week you save 10$. Your may use the card for either Group or Beginner classes.
Athletes are encouraged to come early or stay late (depending on which class they participate in) and work on a skill or performance deficit in an open gym atmosphere. We all have things that we need to work on and this is a great opportunity to do just that. For example If your strength is lacking you may choose to supplement your training with some additional Back Squatting. Maybe you’re after that first muscle up and need to work your transition and pulling strength, go for it. Are you tight? Spend an extra 20 minutes doing mobility drills and open up those joints.
Note: The running class gets equipment and space priority.
Monday night beginner classes will now be FREE for anyone who has completed any of our Foundation’s Program cycles.
Foundations Cycle 3
We have confirmed the dates for our next cycle of the Foundation’s Program. Classes have been scheduled for every Sunday at 1pm for the following 6 weeks (5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, and 6/22). Interested participants should send me a confirmation email so that we can solidify your slot.
The program will cost 180$ which must be paid either in cash or check (made out to David Osorio) by the second class. Students will receive a digital syllabus including a program overview, homework assignments and additional educational resources.
Space is limited and filling up FAST.
Which member of CFNYC left us this gem?