155 pound Squat Clean and Jerk, 30 reps
The barbell goes from ground to overhead, passing through a front
squat in which the crease of the hip passes below the height of the
kneecap. The finish position is with the arms, hips and knees fully
extended, arms overhead, with at least a portion of the ear visible in
front of the arm. Dropping the barbell is acceptable.
Don’t forget that today is the South Brooklyn BBQ!
Start Time: 3:00PM
Location: Newswalk Roof Deck
535 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 US
Contact: Jim @ (917) 671-8800
Rain or shine the BBQ will be on!!
ALSO: Next week we are all cordially invited to participate in the first annual Boot Camp Fitness Brooklyn Bridge
Run Against Cancer. All proceeds and donations will go to the Cancer Research Foundation. The run starts at Cadman Plaza Park at 7:55am and will go over the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan. There will be some CF moves included to make things more interesting (I smell burpees). So come out have fun and give to a great
cause. Please feel free to call if you need any other info
718.536.0425. Hope to see you all soon. 3-2-1 GO! -Darren Boot Camp Fitness
Let’s get a team together! Anyone interested?