Check out Matt U’s CrossFit Games piece from SB Nation
There is NO Active Recovery Today
Upcoming Strength Cycle Dates
A Cycle- Novice Cycle
July 30-Sept 21 (8 slots)
Monday, Wednesday at 7pm, Friday at 6pm
Register Here!
C cycle–Morning Novice Cycle
July 30th-Sept 19th (8 slots)
Monday, Wednesday 6:30am
Registere Here
Cont Ed
July 30-sept 19 (4 slots)
On Friday, July 27th the FDNY and NYPD will compete in a baseball game against each other at MCU park. Tickets are $10 and all proceeds go to charity. For more information check out their Facebook page. Thanks to Danny F for the heads up!
CFSBK Book Club: Sci-Fi Edition
For this round of the book club we’re going to go with a Sci Fi theme. If you’re interested in participating, please suggest a book to comments and email Peggy at pjeanlouis1(AT) to get on the mailing list. We’ll give you about a month to read the book and then people will submit questions for discussion at the meeting which usually happens at a local bar.
Cleaning Up Your Chin-Up Eric Cressey
Todd Wentworth Does a Modified Cindy with Washer/Dryer Flips Language NSFW