Workout of the Day
A. Back Squat
Aim to load heavier than last week (7-5-3-7).
B. Deadlift
Every 2:30 x 5 sets:
6 Touch and Go Deadlifts + 4 Tall Box Jumps (step down)
If you were here for week 1, you might aim to work at around 75% of your heavy triple. That’s a guideline, not a rule. The intent is to move a heavy-ish load for 30 reps, with a focus on bar speed and jumping power. Immediately after the 6th deadlift, move to your box for the jumps. Use a box that allows you to land with the knees and hips either fully or mostly extended. Soft boxes are a great idea here! #savetheshins
C. Pause Hang Snatch
Pause for 1 full second at the hang, with the barbell just above the knee, on each rep. This is a full snatch, receiving the bar in a full depth overhead squat. Beginner athletes may do a Pause Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat.
D. Gymnastics
A1. 4-6 sets x 20′ Handstand Walk*
A2. 4-6 sets x 4-8 Strict Knees to Elbows OR Strict Toes To bar
Scale the handstand walk by decreasing volume, practicing free-standing handstand kick-ups, or completing 4-5 sets x 2-4 wall walks.
Athlete’s choice on the second movement! In either case, work on using the straight-arm-push of the lats to lever your chest and shoulders behind the plane of the bar and elevate the hips.
4 Rounds For Time:
5 Single Arm DB Chainsaw Row – L arm
5 Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean and Push Press – L arm
5 Single Arm DB Chainsaw Row – R arm
5 Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean and Push Press – R arm
15 Straight Leg Sit Ups
We’re looking for a relatively quick burn on today’s conditioning. Choose a challenging DB weight than you can do all 10 reps on one arm unbroken before switching to the other side.
Both heads of the DB should touch the floor at the beginning of each chainsaw row rep.
The sit ups are ideally done without a break as well, so adjust the volume accordingly. In this variation, gold standard is touching the toes on each rep. If current mobility doesn’t allow for that, find your furthest achievable reaching point and hit that consistently.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/8)
Adam taking for 275 for a ride
Are you a new dad? Are you going to be a new dad? Were you once a new dad and have so much knowledge and insight to share with those new to the dad game?
Do we have the thing for you!
Tong and Coach Grant are starting a Dad’s group.
Join fellow CFSBKers to have a beer and build community around fatherhood! (Anyone is welcome–non-CFSBKers, non-Dads.)
When: 4-8pm on Friday, Jan 19th
Where: Three’s Brewing (333 Douglass)