Workout of the Day
3-5 Rounds for Quality:
6-10 Kipping Pull Ups*
12-16 alt Dual KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Use this time to dial in your kipping pull-up technique. Here are some ideas of how to play…
Pull up progression:
Novice: 5 Kip Swings + 5 Band Strict Pull Ups
Intermediate, swing focus: 3-1-3 Kip Drill (3 swings + 1 partial/full pull up + 3 swings)
Intermediate, linking reps focus: Top down Kipping Pull Up (pause and push away)
Advanced: Unbroken sets and/or working towards Chest to Bar
Wide Grip Bench Press
Take 2-3 warm up sets, then start with moderate load for the set of 8 and add weight each time.
Leave 1-2 reps in the tank on the first 3 sets and flirt with the edge on your final 4.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/3)
“Trying to make time for myself as a new mom can oftentimes be difficult. Diapers & Dumbbells provides me with the space and opportunity to focus on me, my physical strength, and mental health, as well as offering an environment to fellowship with other similarly situated moms. It has been one of the highlights of my postpartum journey!”
by current D&D participant Jhounelle (and Aaron!)
Finding your grip
Today’s bench press calls for a wide grip variation. Check out the 3:00 video below to see how to find your conventional grip, then take it 1-1.5x palm lengths wider for today’s lift.
We want to know what you think!
2024 is almost in the books, and we want to hear from YOU! Take a minute to fill out our feedback form to let us know what you love about CFSBK and what you’d like to see in 2025. Thank you for an incredible year—we can’t wait to hear from you!