Workout of the Day
3-4 Rounds for Quality:
1-2 min Jump Rope Practice
10 ea Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
10 DB Cuban Rotations @ 3011 Tempo
12-20 Alternating Tall Kneeling Rotational Med Ball Toss, 6-10ea
Jump Rope: If you’re already comfortable with double unders, work on boxer skips, alternating foot step, single leg reps, varying tempo/height singles, or crossovers!
SL RDLs: Load as desired today. If balance is tough, use 1 DB/KB held contralaterally
and use the other hand for light support at a rig. If balance and technique are rock solid, try one DB in each hand.
Cuban Rotations: Keep your shoulders down and back and focus on controlled range of motion.
Ball Toss: Use a light weight (6-12#) that allows you accelerate the ball and work with accuracy and power on each rep.
A. Power Clean and Push Jerk, 6-9 sets x 2 reps
B. Back Rack Reverse Lunge, 3x6ea Across
C. Front Squat, 3×4-6 Across
D. Bench, 3×4-6 Across
E. Deadlift, 3×4-6 Across
Tomorrow we have running, wall balls, sit-ups, burpees, and kipping pull-ups.
C&J: Start light and build in weight or use Monday’s wave loading protocol if desired. Track back on the blog or BTWB to see percentages.
Lunges: Take 3-4 warm up sets to find a weight that feels like RPE 8/10 for a set of 6. Repeat this weight for 3 total working sets of 6 reps on each side.
Athletes can superset their main lift with another bodyweight or DB/KB movement. Strict chin-ups or pull-ups are a good option as they are not otherwise in the program this cycle.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Some lovely humans of CFSBK on a Friday night
The Cuban Press
Check out this :20 video with an excellent demonstration of Cuban Presses. Note the light weight and control.
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