Workout of the Day
For Time
10,000m Bike
-and at the same time-
10 Rounds of:
80′ Dual KB Farmer Carry (32/24/16kg ea)
80′ Sandbag Bear Hug Carry (100/75/50#)
40′ Each Arm: Single Arm Overhead Carry (32/24/16kg)
Intent < 22 min
Both athletes are working the whole time today. Partners work together to finish both the bike distance and the carries, alternating after each round of the triplet, as follows:
Partner A completes one round of all three carries while Partner B bikes to chip away at the 10K. Then switch places and continue.
The workout is complete when the bike reads 10000m (or 6.2 miles) and each partner has done 5 rounds of the triplet, 10 total.
OH Carry: Use one of the KB’s from your farmers walk. Scale up or down in load to challenge yourself appropriately, making sure the elbow remains locked out and you are in a stable position. Use a DB if in between weight jumps on the KB.
80′ = 4 x 20′ segments, or 2 “down-and-backs”
Scale meters on the bike and loading on the carries as needed to finish a tough workout in under 20 minutes.
2 Rounds to Failure
Max Reps Barbell Curl
Rest 30 sec
Max Reps Single DB Overhead Tricep Extension
Rest 30 sec
Execute both movements on a 20X1 Tempo: 2 seconds down, no pause, drive up, 1 sec pause at top of rep.
Use an empty barbell for the curls. On both exercises, choose a weight you can get 15+ reps with when fresh. Really go to faiilure on both sets here. Expect some attrition from round 1 to round 2!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
I couldn’t be more in awe of how all of these guys showed up for our first Men’s Group! They were honest, curious, and willing to share their experiences with sharing emotions. A few words that were shared as we went around the room before we left: inspired, connected, seen, heard, hopeful. It was an awesome night to witness. – Coach Brett
CFSBK Men’s Group
CFSBK Men’s Group is a bi-weekly 90-minute evening meeting on Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the Annex facilitated by Coach Brett. It is an opportunity for men to connect and support each other outside of exercise or activity based interaction. Together we practice speaking to other men on a deeper level, gain wisdom through others’ experiences, and increase our emotional intelligence. Vulnerability and strength are not opposites. In fact, they are one in the same. Men can hold space to both feel and express their feelings while stepping into their own power and navigating their lives with intention.This group aims to foster a community of like-minded men who are engaged in kindness, curiosity, honesty, accountability, and integrity while seeking to discover the attitudes, habits, and limiting beliefs that hinder our ability to live the lives that we desire.
CFSBK Men’s Group is a pay what you can group with a maximum contribution of $15 per session. If you can’t afford additional expenses currently, we welcome you all the same. We simply ask that you commit to 3 months (6 meetings) of attendance if you are going to attend. We are trying to create and maintain a community which can only be achieved through consistent participation. If you are planning to attend, please email ahead of time to allow him to plan and set up the space accordingly.
Outside of classes, Coach Brett is an Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Coach. During his 16 years of sobriety, he has spent countless hours in group recovery meetings, therapy, working with his own Life Coach and gaining certifications focused on behavioral change. In his career he has spent thousands of hours coaching hundreds of people.
Schedule: Bi-weekly on Wednesdays from March 12th
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 26th
Time: 7pm-8pm
Location: Annex
Membership: $0 drop-in (Donation based- directly to Brett)
Coach: Brett Ferguson
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