Workout of the Day
AMRAP 20 Min
20 DB Bench Press
20/16 Cal Row
20 Air Squats
20 Kipping Toes to Bar
Intent 3-5 Rounds.
Bench: Choose a DB weight that you can complete the 20 reps in 2-3 challenging sets. If you can do 20 unbroken it’s too light.
TTB Scaling – Full volume is appropriate if you can do 20 reps in 2-3 sets.
A. 10-15 Kipping TTB
B. 10 Strict TTB
C. 15-20 Partial ROM Kipping TTB
D. 20 Straight Leg Sit Ups
3 Rounds for Quality
10 Hamstring Curls on Rower
10 ea KB Side Bends
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
YOU DID IT!! Big shout out to everyone who completed the 2025 CrossFit Open! We’ll post the final results tomorrow after the leaderboards finalized. Here is coach Steph giving Craig some cozy kudos post 25.2
This Saturday! Free Nutrition for Health and Performance member event
On Saturday, 3/22, we’ll be hosting a free seminar for members focused on how to eat to fuel health and performance. In this lecture, we’ll cover topics such as caloric balance, macronutrients, food quality and timing, supplements, and practical strategies for behavior modification related to nutrition. Afterward, we’ll have time for a Q&A.
This event will be led by Coach Whitney and David and will run from 2:30 to 4:00 PM.
If you attended our “What is CrossFit?” event in December, this will be similar to the nutrition segment we presented, with some slight adjustments.
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