Workout of the Day
Every 2 Minutes for 9 Sets (18 min), Complete:
Power Clean and Push Jerk
(% of 1 RM)
1) 3 reps at 60%
2) 2 reps at 65%
3) 1 rep at 70%
4) 3 reps at 65%
5) 2 reps at 70%
6) 1 rep at 75%
7) 3 reps at 70%
8) 2 reps at 75%
9) 1 rep at 80%
Example (163# 1 RM):
3×95, 2×105, 1×115
3×105, 2×115, 1×123
3×115, 2×123, 1×130
Power Clean and Push Jerk x 2 Reps
*Every 3 Sets, Increase weight
1 “rep” of the complex = 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk. Bail the bar from overhead, reset on the floor, and repeat. Don’t rush between reps.
This cycle we are revisiting the concept of Wave Training in our Olympic lifting! This is the practice of building up in weight, then back down, and back up again, for multiple “waves”. Ideally your technique is very consistent: from the empty bar to heaviest reps.
For the first few weeks of this cycle we’ll wave both the reps and weights to allow you to pay more attention to detail on your technique while still working up to a heavy percentage of your max.
Base your percentages off of whichever lift is your limiting factor. If you’re feeling a bit lit from the Open WOD this weekend, feel free to ignore percentages, go much lighter, and focus on quality movement.
B1. Clean Deadlift, 3×3, building
B2. Seated Arnold Press, 3×10-12 @ 21×1 tempo, building or across
The Clean Deadlift resembles a standard deadlift to large degree. The critical difference is that the positions, posture and balance match that of a Clean, rather than allowing the higher hips, balance toward the heels, and potentially rounded back of a standard or powerlifting deadlift. Generally, the clean deadlift can start at 90-120% of your best clean. If you are significantly limited by clean technique, you may need to use a heavier percentage to train strength here. Regardless, choose weights you can perform with proper positioning.
Watch the video link to better understand this movement and how to execute it most effectively!
For the press variation, you may build in weight or go sets across. Leave 1-2 good reps in the tank today. Tempo = 2 sec down, 1 sec pause at bottom, “explode” up, 1 sec pause at top.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
The dynamic duo of Erin and Rachel rocking their version of 25.3 last Saturday
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