Workout of the Day
12 Rounds for Time
10 Wall Ball Shots (20#/10′, 14#/9′, 10#/8′)
10 Kipping Toes to Bar
12/10 Cal Bike
Intent <21 min, where each individual round is under 1:45. Scale load, volume, or movement complexity to achieve that consistently.
Partners alternate full rounds of work, 12 total, 6 each. You should start this at a relatively hot pace, keeping transitions tight and starting with a bike effort that feels tough, but not maximal.
TTB Scaling
A. 5 Strict
B. 5-8 Kipping, full ROM
C. 10 Partial ROM (Hanging Leg Raise)
D. 10 V-Ups/Tuck-Ups
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/3)
George, Cauvery and Brenna hanging tough with their matching outfits
Tips for better wall ball
On paper, wall balls seem like a simple exercise, but in practice, they can really suck. Wall balls require solid squat mechanics, efficient power transfer from the legs to the arms and into the medicine ball, as well as balance, coordination, and timing. Check out the 3:30 video below for tips on improving your wall balls in today’s workout.
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