Workout of the Day
4 Rounds for Time
400m Run
16 DB Hang Power Clean and Jerk @ 50/35/20#
16 Tuck Ups
Intent <17 min
If your run pace will be over 2:30/400m, scale to 270m.
The hang clean and jerk is 16 total reps. Suggested method is either 8L/8R or trading off every 4 reps.
You may strict press, push press, or jerk the overhead portion of the movement, as long as the hips and knees fully extend while the DB is still overhead.
For the tuck ups, start and finish in a hollow body position and come to the tailbone in the middle of each rep.
3-5 Sets
1:00 Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
:30 each Side Plank
Use the heaviest sandbag you can for a minute unbroken hold.
Add a DB or KB to your side plank or do a Star Plank to level up here!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK8/8)
Ethan, one of the countless lovely people that call CFSBK their home base for fitness and community
The Giving Open
As you all know the first workout for the 2025 CrossFit Games releases tomorrow. The Open is a celebration of our community and the CrossFit community at large. This year, on top of our theme weeks, Friday Night Lights and our typical fanfare, we’re going to take this as an opportunity to give back. Each week of the Open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday we’ll be collecting donations for our friends at VOCAL NY. What better way to celebrate the Open than to show the good of the CFSBK community and help those in needs. Bring any of the items listed below and drop them off at the gym to participate!
High need
sweatpants or men’s pants
sneakers or boots in good condition
-all sizes welcome for clothing/footwear-
Additional high need:
adult size backpacks
hoodies or sweaters
-all sizes welcome for clothing-
Voices Of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY) is a statewide grassroots membership organization that builds power among low-income people affected by HIV/AIDS, the drug war, mass incarceration, and homelessness in order to create healthy and just communities. We accomplish this through community organizing, leadership development, advocacy, direct services, participatory research and direct action.
Our Vision
VOCAL-NY is building a movement of low-income people dedicated to ending the AIDS epidemic, the war on drugs, mass incarceration, and homelessness. We fight for systemic change rooted in justice, compassion, and love. We approach this work with a firm belief in reducing harm and ending stigma, and the knowledge that the issues impacting our communities are driven by institutional oppression, not personal failings. Our campaigns have saved or improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers across the state.
How to watch the CrossFit Open announcements
We’re excited to welcome former CrossFit Games analyst Rory McKernan as host and “Get With the Programming” podcast host Chase Ingraham as play-by-play to announce Open Workout 25.1, presented by Rogue, live from CrossFit Mayhem in Cookeville, Tennessee.
Date: Feb. 27, 2025
Location: CrossFit Mayhem
Live Show Begins: 12 p.m. PT
Tune in to the CrossFit Games website or the CrossFit Games YouTube channel for live coverage of the announcement of 25.1, presented by Rogue.
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