Workout of the Day
Every 3 Min x 5 Rounds
8 Alt Renegade Rows
8 Alt DB Front Rack Reverse Lunge
Max Reps Shuttle Run up to 1:30 mark
Intent: Heavy weight that you can slog through both movements without having to break them up. You should have at least 30 sec for shuttle runs per round, if not more.
DB: 50/35/20# ea hand. The movements are 8 reps total, 4 ea side.
1 Rep of the Shuttle Run = 20′ down + 20′ back (40′ total).
Goal is to work at a consistent, challenging pace for consistent scores across the rounds (+/- a shuttle run or two).
2 Rounds to Failure
Max Reps Supinated Grip DB Bicep Curls
Rest 1 min
Max Reps Single DB Overhead Tricep Extension
Rest 1 min
Take a warm up round to suss out a weight you can get at least 10 reps on each movement.
Then complete 2 rounds as written, going all the way to failure on each movement, each round. Don’t hold back.
It’s normal/expected to have some attrition on the second round!
*If you’re feeling beat up from Saturday’s pull-up heavy WOD, skip the curls and choose a core movement instead for 15-20 reps (v-ups, tuck ups, sit-ups).
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK8/8)
So much room for activities in Open Gym!
In case you didn’t notice
The blog has been set to post at 5pm the night prior. This was in response to some suggestions in the feedback form we sent out to members in January. The intent was to give people more time to see the workout and plan their week.
Only 2 spots left for 25.1 Friday Night Lights 🏴☠️
Every Friday (2/28, 3/7, 3/14) starting at 5pm we’ll run four 30 minute heats of the Open workout in 597. This is a more festive approach to the Open where we light up the space, break out the discoball and encourage folks to come watch. It’s a lot of fun! Check out the themes for each week below to join the party.
Spectators are highly encouraged! Come cheer on your fellow community members as they get after these workouts!
Note that your heat start time means that’s when we’ll review the standards and start your workout. All warm-ups will be DIY in 608 before your heat. We also ask that after you perform your workout (and recover) you help judge someone from the next heat. Volunteer judges from folks watching are also extremely appreciated!!
Register for FNLs here for free!
🏴☠️ 25.1 Theme– Pirates of CrossFit South Brooklyn 🏴☠️
Arrrr you ready for the Open? Set sail for Week 1, where we embrace the high seas, the heavy lifts, and the lawless pirate life. Dress up as a swashbuckler, sea captain, parrot or rock our very pirate-coded SBK skull and bones gear. Eye patches, bandanas, and sea shanties encouraged. Plunder the workout, then toast with your crew post workout!
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