Workout of the Day
A. Bench Press, 3×4-6
B. Back Squat, 3×4-6
C. (2 Squat Cleans + 2-4 Front Squats) x 4-6 Sets
D. Strict Press, 3×6-10
E. Deadlift, 3×4-6
Tomorrow we have renegade rows, lunges, shuttle runs, and a bi/tri cashout!
ABDE lifts are the same rep schemes as last week. The lifts can be sets across or building.
Clean Complex: Use prior weeks as guidance on loading. Start moderate and build as you’re able across the sets. If you fail a rep, come back down in load and “wave” up again.
For Time
40/32 Cal Row
40 Push Ups
40/32 Cal Bike
40 Sit Ups
Intent < 14 min
Row and Bike < 3:00 each. Scale rep counts back if needed.
Chip, chip, chip away at this one! Maintain virtuosity and full ranges of motion in your bodyweight movements as you fatigue.
Push Up Scaling: RX is appropriate if you can do 8+ reps unbroken when fresh.
A. 30 Push Ups
B. 40 Elevated
C. 30 Elevated
*If scaling to elevated, choose a height you can do about 6-8 reps when fresh. If you can do more than that at once, it’s too easy.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
Free Intro Classes at CFSBK
Here’s another throwback video where we talk about the free intro class we USED to run every Sunday at CFSBK. While we no longer offer this class as we’ve slowed down intake of new members, its still insightful on our philosophy of giving folks their first taste of CrossFit, the CFSBK way.
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