Workout of the Day
For 5 Sets/Intervals,
In 1:15 complete:
30 sec Bike
AMRAP Squat Cleans
Rest 1:15 after Each Interval.
Hold similar bike paces to what you did in weeks 3 and 5. The idea is to generate a bit of fatigue, but not sprint or completely destroy yourself.
Newer lifters: Work with light to moderate loads throughout.
Int & Adv: Start your first round at about 60-70% and build across the rounds as feels appropriate today. For example: 65%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%. Plan out some simple 5-10# jumps in advance to make your transitions as smooth as possible. The rest time will go by quickly!!!
As the weight increases, it’s likely that the clean rep count will go down. The goal here is to challenge our technique under increasing fatigue, but that we still make most if not all of our attempts. If the wheels come off… go back down in weight!
Front Squat
3×4-6, Building or Across
Your legs are plenty warmed up, so get right into some work sets here! Refer back to previous weeks to challenge yourself here.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
Lizzie and Derek combining their powers for an epic post class adductor stretch
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