Workout of the Day
AMRAP 10:00
7 Toes to Bar -OR- Kipping Pull Ups
14 Alternating Reverse Lunges
42 Double Unders
AMRAP 10:00
7 Push Ups
14 KB Swings (24/16/12kg)
14/11 Cal Row
Intent = 5+ Rounds on each section. Scale volume, load, or movement complexity to achieve a 2:00 or faster split time for your rounds.
Gymnastic movement is athlete’s choice today! Do whichever one you’ve practiced less recently. All typical movement scales apply: strict, partial range of motion, assisted pull ups, elevated push ups, etc.
The lunges are bodyweight and the KB is intended as relatively light/moderate today so you can move and groove for the entire 10 minutes.
Double Unders < 30 sec. Practice!
Row < 1 min
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
CFSBK crew past and present rolling deep to celebrate the wedding of Toni and Trish. Amazing how many lifelong friends you can make at the gym!
Left to Right: Ali, Greg, Elly, Dan, Ashley, Phil, Coach Katie, Pat, Joey, Katie, Toni, Trish, Jen, Katherine, Lauren, Dan, Stephanie, Cydney, Kelly and Rebecca
2019 Women’s Spring Triplet
Check out some of the best to ever taking on the 2019 CrossFit Games workout “The Sprint Triplet”. Great way to get fired up to train hard!
5 rounds of:
1 pegboard ascent
100 double-unders
10 DB hang split snatches (55 lb.)
10 DB hang clean and jerks (55 lb.)
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