Workout of the Day
3 Rounds for Time
50 Wall Ball Shots (20#,10′ / 14#,9′)
50 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Time cap: 20 min
This workout is based on 2024 CF Quarterfinals Workout 2, where the movement was burpee box jump overs. It’s looks simple on paper, and it adds up quickly in real life.
The intent today is that you finish at least 2 rounds of work before the time cap, not necessarily the entire workout. For context, only the top 5% of quarterfinal athletes finished this!
Choose an option below that will be a tough mental and physical challenge, but one that doesn’t stop you in your tracks.
Wall Ball: Choose weight/height that you can do 15+ reps unbroken with when fresh and allows for consistency/accuracy at high volume: full depth squat at the bottom and mass of ball hitting just above tape line at the top.
Burpee box jump: Face the box at the bottom of every burpee. Make sure to fully extend your knees and hips atop the box. You must step down from the box today.
Scaling Option A
50 WB Shots (10#,8′)
50 BBJ (16″)
Scaling Option B
40 WB Shots (choose weight/height)
40 Burpee Box Step Ups (choose height)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/8)
Prakash gritting through yesterday’s front rack holds
Clean Double Under Starts
Coach David discusses cleaning up your first reps on double under sets. :39 video