Workout of the Day
A. Bench Press, 3×4-6
B. Back Squat, 3×4-6
C. (2 Squat Cleans + 2-4 Front Squats) x 4-6 Sets
D. Strict Press, 3×6-10
E. Deadlift, 3×4-6
Tomorrow we have pull ups, push ups, sit ups, and air squats!
The lifts can be sets across or building. The rep scheme for the bench press is the same as it’s been all cycle. We have a rep range decrease today on the back squat, strict press, and deadlift, so aim to increase load, working with about 1 rep in reserve on the work sets.
Clean Complex: Beginner lifters: work with light to moderate load and aim for consistency. Int/Adv lifters: start at 50-60% and build by about 5% each set. Feel free to use “wave” loading as well!
15 Rounds for Time
3 Sandbag Clean to Shoulder
120′ Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
6 Burpees
In teams of three, athletes rotate through full rounds of work. 5 Rounds each athlete, 15 Rounds total. Lift heavy and move fast!
Each individual round should be in the realm of 1:00, give or take. Scale load, reps, or distance as needed to achieve this for your own individual rounds.
Carry = 3 x “down and back” across the far tape lines (down = 20′, back = 40′, down = 60′, etc.)
Scale the burpee by decreasing volume of reps or taking out the push up.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/8)
Steve setting up for some Back Squats on floater day.
Why do we do Floater days?
Watch this segment from the Varied Not Random podcast where coach David discusses the reasons behind why we build in Floater days to CFSBK programming. (video will start at the point he talks about this)