Workout of the Day
7 Rounds for Time
250m Row -OR- 500m Bike
8 Alternating DB Suitcase Reverse Lunges @ 50/35/20# ea
8 Burpee to Target
Intent < 21 min.
Row/Bike: <1:15/round. Find a challenging pace that still allows you to get right off the machine and immediately into your lunges. Scale meters back as needed to stay within the time domain.
Lunges: 1 DB each hand. Heavy load. Make sure to stand all the way up on each rep, opening knee and hip joints completely and stacking the head and shoulders on the rest of the body.
Burpee: Find a pull-up bar that is above your standing reach, ideally 4-6″. Touch with both hands at the top of each rep.
3 Rounds
Bicep Curl 21’s
10-15 DB Lying Tricep Extensions
10-15 ea Side Plank Raises
Curls: 7 reps full extension to 90 degrees + 7 reps 90 degrees to full flexion + 7 reps full rep!
Rest 30-45 seconds between movements. Adjust loading as needed.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/8)
Welcome new Foundations grads Lindsy, Ashley, Dalia and Melanie
Sick? Stay home please! 🤒
At CFSBK we’re all about pushing through challenges, but one thing we don’t want you to push through is illness. If you’re feeling under the weather—whether it’s a cough, fever, or anything contagious—do yourself and your fellow members a favor and please stay home. NYC has had a surge of cases from norovirus to the common cold so we ask that everyone be considerate to your fellow gym members and staff and call it a rest day if you’re battling a virus. This holds true for group, open gym and personal training clients (and staff!) Thank you for your consideration!