Workout of the Day
A. Bench Press, 3×4-6
B. Back Squat, 3×6-8
C. (2 Squat Cleans + 2-4 Front Squats) x 6-8 Sets
D. Strict Press, 3×8-12
E. Deadlift, 3×6-8
Tomorrow we have burpee box jump overs, wall ball, handstand push up, and thrusters.
The lifts can be sets across or building. The rep schemes are the same as last week for ABDE, so aim to increase reps in the range if you were at the low end OR increase load if you were maxing out the reps.
Clean Complex: Beginner lifters: work with light to moderate load and aim for consistency in positions and range of motion. Int/Adv lifters: start at 50-60% and build by about 5% each set. Feel free to use “wave” loading as well!
3 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
15 Chest to Bar Kipping Pull Ups
30 Barbell Back Rack Reverse Lunge @ 45/35/22#
Intent <14 min
This workout will largely be a challenge to our kipping technique efficiency and endurance. The run/row and lunges are short and light on purpose… you’ll be back to that rig before you know it. Plan accordingly, breaking the pull-ups into manageable sets so you’re never on the edge of failure.
Run <1:30/rd — if you’re feeling a bit too chilly today, complete a 300m Row OR 600m Bike instead.
Pull-ups: Full volume is appropriate if you have 8+ unbroken chest to bar reps. Choose a scaling optoion you can complete in 2-4 tough sets.
Pull Up Scaling
A. 7-10 Kipping CTB
B. 10-15 Kipping Pull Up (chin over)
C. 8 Strict (CTB or chin over)
D. 10-15 TOUGH ring rows
Lunges: Light weight. Ideally unbroken, resting at the top as needed.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/8)
Scene from our 2024 CFSBK Community Art Show
10th Annual CFSBK Community Art Show tomorrow!
We’ve got an incredible art show in the works for everyone tomorrow. With over 20 artists showing work and lots of live entertainment it’s sure to be a memorable night. Check out the schedule below. This is a family friendly event but we ask you not to bring pups as it will be crowded.
Live Event Schedule
- 6:30-8:30pm: Tarot Readings with Leah (sign up in house)
- 6:30-running out of wine Wine Pouring with JB
- 7pm-10pm: Live Tattoing with Jim Gentry (sign up here)
- 7-8pm Paul and Theo Bennett (live music)
- 8pm A few words from David
- 8:15pm Aerial Pole performance by Suzanne-Michelle
- 8:30 Live music by Justin Oakley
- 9pm Short film by Cara Claymore