Workout of the Day
EMOM x 30 Min for Reps
A. 30 Sec Bike (cal)
B. 30 Sec Row (cal)
C. 30 Sec Double Unders
Simple on paper, special in reality!
Start at 80-85% aerobic effort and note RPMs on the bike and Cal/Hr on the row you can hold. This will likely feel “too easy” for the first couple of rounds. Ride those paces through the first half, and if all is well, turn the dial up little by little on the back half.
Score = total number of reps completed in 30 min: calories on bike/row + number of DU’s.
Goal is to have a consistent output across 10 rounds (within 1-2 calories and within 5 or so DU’s), knowing that effort will increase as fatigue accumulates.
DU Scaling: 30 sec practice for at least 5 rounds, then you can opt for single unders!
If you have a goal to get more consistent double unders this year, today is a great day to start. Keep your paces a little easier on the row and bike for starters so you can devote good practice time to the rope.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Brett and Brian warming up for last Saturday’s Thruster Pull-Up AMRAPs
Gym Closed at 4:30pm tonight for Staff Appreciation Dinner
This evening we’ will be closed for our evening block while all head to Palo Santo for our annual staff appreciation dinner. Thank you for your understanding!! Want to get a little workout in at home? Check out this two parter that will get the job done. Tomorrow we have floater strength then a Wall Ball/Shuttle Run metcon.
3 sets of:
:30-1:00 Handstand Hold
:30 Superman Hold
:30 Hollow Rocks
AMRAP 15:00
20 Sit-Ups
15 Air Squats
10 Burpees or Push-Ups