Workout of the Day
1-3-5-7-etc. Reps Each:
Thrusters @ 135/95/65#
Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 7 Min
3-6-9-12-etc. Reps Each:
Front Squats @ 135/95/65#
Kipping Pull Ups
Intent is to get through at least 4 rounds of each couplet. Scale accordingly to your current abilities.
The first section should challenge you in terms of gymnastic skill and load. The second section will be simpler… but not easy.
Barbell: Heavy weight you can do 3-5 thrusters with unbroken.
Gymnastics: Athletes may first choose a volume scale, for example:
1-2-3-4-etc. BMU
2-4-6-8, etc. Kipping Pull Ups.
When scaling further, choose a harder variation in the first section and an easier variation in the second section, relative to your skill and strength, for example:
A: Kipping Chest To Bar Pull Ups / Kipping Pull Ups
B. Strict CTB Pull Ups / Strict Pull Ups
C. Band Assisted Strict Pull Ups / Jumping Pull Ups
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/3)
Our Director of Training coach Whitney Hubbard reviews the outline for our next 8 week cycle starting on 1/6
Calm the F Down Today!
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