Workout of the Day
A. Bike x 40 sec
B. Row x 40 sec
C. Shuttle Run x 40 sec
D. AMRAP Strict Chin Up x 40 sec
The magic of today’s workout is finding your threshold pace — what’s the calorie or rep count you can hold on the first 3 stations consistently? Not coasting, not red-lining, just working hard and steady.
Game the chin ups however you like to maximize your reps across the 6 rounds. Make sure the elbows extend fully at the bottom of each rep and the chin breaks the vertical AND horizontal plane of the bar at the top.
If scaling, choose a method you can do about 4-6 reps in a row when fresh. These will add up!
Chin Up Scaling:
A. Bodyweight
B. Box Pike Foot Assisted
C. Band Assisted
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/3)
Post–workout family photo at 33 weeks pregnant! Steven and I have discovered a whole new side to CFSBK as expecting parents and feel so grateful for all of the advice (and stuff) we have received from this incredibly supportive community. Shoutout to all of the friends, coaches, and expecting/recent parents in the CFSBK family who have helped us navigate this phase as we prepare for the exciting next chapter -Lauren
Holiday Schedule
Tuesday 12/24
CrossFit Group Class
6,7,8,9,10am, 12pm
Open Gym
Hybrid early access 5-6am
Open Gym: 6am-12pm
Wednesday 12/25
CrossFit Group Class
Open Gym
Hybrid early access 7am-9am
Open Gym: 9am-12pm