Workout of the Day
Work up to a heavy single Thruster taken out of the rack. Make sure you don’t jerk final portion. That’s a no rep!
AMRAP 8:00
2 Thrusters
2 Kipping Pull-Ups
4 Thrusters
4 Kipping Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters
6 Kipping Pull-Ups
8 Thrusters
8 Kipping Pull-Ups
Work up the ladder alternating between Thrusters and Kipping pull-ups. Each round add 2 reps to the prior round. Be brave today.
Use about 50-60% of your heaviest thruster from the prior segment. These thrusters will come off the floor.
(+) Chest to Bar
Kipping full volume
Strict full volume or half volume (1-2-3-4..)
Box Piked full volume
Ring Rows
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/7)
America’s sweetheart Joey S going heavy overhead
Fitness Garage Sale today from 9-1pm!
CFSBKer Jared G is planning a move next year and cleaning out his closet! He owns a company that hosts CrossFit competitions, so he has a bunch of different clothes, shoes, and equipment items of all different sizes he will be selling for 1/2 off or more. About 1/2 of it is brand new and 1/2 is used. He will be here during all classes on Saturday 12/14 so make sure to come by! Watch the video above for more info.