Workout of the Day
E2MOM x 16 Minutes
1 Snatch
Every 2 minutes perform 1 snatch (power or full), ascending in weight for 8 total sets. With 8 total sets, your first 2-4 attempts should still feel like a warm-up.
AMRAP 10:00
10 Alternating DB Power Snatches
5 Strict Toes to Bars OR 10 Sit Ups
Partners alternate complete rounds. At the 10 minute mark, teams may either be done or parter B can finish up so that they get as many rounds as partner A. Athletes choice.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/7)
This is an excerpt from our “What is CrossFit” and Nutrition lecture from 12/7/24. In this segment coach David Osorio follows up on an explanation of energy balance to discuss how our body adapts to increasing exercise in relation to total caloric expenditure. Unfortunately, the sound quality was compromised! We hope to offer this free lecture 2-3 times per year. Below is the image on the projector being referenced for clarity.
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