Workout of the Day
A: Pull-Ups 3×8-10 Reps or Muscle-Ups 5-15 reps
B: Shoulder Press 3×6-10 Reps
C: Back Squat 3×6-10 Reps
D: Power or Squat Clean 5×3 Reps
Choose one option from the list above to round out your training week. If you’d like to perform a superset with another low skill exercise feel free. Tomorrow we have Squat Cleans, Kipping Pull-Ups and DB Push Presses
5 Intervals for max distance of:
:20 Row or Bike
1:40 Rest
Row or Bike a full sprint for :20 followed by a 1:40 rest. If you came yesterday, use the machine you didn’t perform the thanksgiving workout with.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/7)
This was our original logo prior to the one we currently use. A member who couldn’t afford classes offered to make us a punk rock inspired logo to fit the vibe of the gym. We used this until about 2009. People would always ask.. “Fitness is Carned? What is Carned?” (It says Earned.)
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