Workout of the Day
5 Sets x 3 Reps
After a coach led specific warm-up, you’ll perform 5 sets of 3 repetitions using one or a combination of the following options:
Weighted Pull-Ups
Bodyweight Pull-Ups
Box Pike Self Assisted
Strict Negatives
Feet on floor/box Self Assisted
(no bands this cycle!)
Try to perform the same version of the movement across all 5 sets. If you begin to hit a wall, you can perform “cluster sets” with the same or an easier version. For example, someone doing bodyweight may perform
Set 1: 3 Reps at BW
Set 2: 3 Reps at BW
Set 3: 2 Reps at BW, quick rest then 1 more rep at BW
Set 4: 1 Rep at BW + 2 Box Piked Self Assisted Reps
Set 5: 3 Box Piked Self Assisted
EMOM 16:00 / 4 Rounds:
A: :45 AMRAP Calorie Row
B: :45 AMRAP Matador Dips
C: :45 AMRAP KB or DB Front Rack Walking Lunges
D: Rest
Work for :45 followed by :15 transition for all 4 intervals.
Dip Options:
(+) 12/9/6 Ring Dips
Matador Dips
Banded Matador Dips
Box Dips with foot assistance
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/7)
Coaches Nadja and Colin Robinson getting their DB Snatches in before sunrise
Programming Biases Monday 10/28* – Sunday 12/15
This 7 week cycle will take us close to the end of the year. Check out the video above for an overview and additional context for this cycle.
Weekly Biases
Monday: Strict Pull-Ups + 2nd segment
Tuesday: Shoulder Press + 2nd segment
Wednesday: Back Squat + 2nd segment
Thursday: Varied
Friday: Floater / Ring Muscle-Up + 2nd segment
Saturday: Varied
Sunday: Floater / Ring Muscle-Up + 2nd segment
Monday: Strict Pull-Ups
We will gradually add volume over 7 weeks. Choose a pull-up variation that makes sense for the given day’s rep and set scheme. If you begin to hit a wall, you can perform “cluster sets” with the same or an easier version or the exercise. For example, someone doing bodyweight may perform a combo of weighted and strict pull-ups to get their final reps completed.
Pull-Up Options:
Weighted Pull-Ups
Bodyweight Pull-Ups
Box Pike Self Assisted
Strict Negatives
Feet on floor Self Assisted
(no bands this cycle!)
Wk1: 5×3
Wk2: 4×5
Wk3: 3×6-8
Wk4: 3×6-8
Wk5: 3×8-10
Wk6: 3×8-10
Wk7: 5:00 Strict Pull-Up AMRAP (no negatives)
Tuesday Shoulder Press & Wednesday Back Squat
Each week perform 3 work sets at the same weight and reps (across). After your final set, determine what you would modify for next week to make it harder. You can perform more reps at the same weight, you could perform more weight at the same reps or if needed more weight and fewer reps. Your final set should be 2-3 reps away from failure or even (on the press, not squat) hitting failure.
Wk1: 3×10-12
Wk2: 3×10-12
Wk3: 3×8-12
Wk4: 3×8-12
Wk5: 3×6-10
Wk6: 3×6-10
Wk7: 5-5-5 (top set)
Friday & Sunday Floater
Friday and Saturday will provide make-up options for the biased exercises we hit that week. If you really made some progress during last cycle’s ring muscle-ups and want to keep the momentum, you can also work your skills and drills during this segment of class.
Really appreciate this thorough overview video!
Thanks Nora! We wanted to change it up this cycle with a video