Workout of the Day
A. Back Squat 4×4, Building
B. 3 Power Clean and 3 Push Jerk x 6-8 sets
C. Strict Press 4×4, Building
D. Bench Press 4×4, Building
Tomorrow we have back squats, DB rows, jump rope, strict toes to bar, and single leg work.
Clean and Jerk Complex: Aim to do 1 set about every 2 minutes. Power cleans are not touch and go; complete them as singles, resting a few seconds between. From your third power clean, continue into 3 push jerks, focusing on a smooth, vertical dip with the weight in mid-foot for each rep. The intention is to increase 2.5 – 5% from last week.
AMRAP 15:00
Sandbag pick + high pull x 5
Run 270 M
SA Farmer’s Carry 80 ft/side*
Run 130 M
Sandbag carry 2 laps** (160 ft)
Run 130 M
Go heavy on the sandbag picks and carries. Farmer’s should be moderately heavy (think back to what you did two handed last weekend, and increase on that slightly), *down and back gym length on each arm. The runs should be short and intense. Sandbag carries down back gym length x2.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
Happy 40th Birthday Coach Brett!!!!
Defining Fitness
What does it mean to be fit? What is the definition of fitness? Check out veteran CrossFit seminar staff and friend of CFSBK Denise Thomas explain!
A “touch of gray suits you anyway”, Coach Brett! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Brett!!!