Workout of the Day
A1. Strict Press 4×4
A2. Seated Good Morning 4×8-10 @ 3011 tempo
Superset the two movements, resting about a minute between each. You may build in weight on both exercises; your last two sets of pressing should be at least an 8/10 on the RPE scale.
We will use DB or KB loading for the good mornings, with the weight held either behind the neck or in front, goblet style. Focus on a true hip hinge, with a rigid trunk and long reach of your spine out across the room as you descend.
3 Rounds, Each For Time
18 DB Push Press @ 50/35/20#
24 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20/16″
30 KB Swings @ 32/24/16kg
Rest 1:00 between rounds
Intent < 13 min total, or no more than 3:30/round. Scale as needed.
The minute of rest will go by quickly on this one (similarly to how it does in Fight Gone Bad… get excited!), so choose your pace wisely on round 1 and don’t rush your transitions.
Once you finish that first round, commit to your effort and use your rest period to get calm, focused, and ready to attack again.
The push press and KB should both be relatively heavy. Use a weight that you might need to break up the reps into a couple of sets.
For safety, it’s recommended that all athletes step down from the top of the box.
Box Jump Over Scaling Options
A. 18 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20/16″
B. 24 Box Step Overs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
Seated Good Mornings
From Catalyst Athletics:
The seated good morning does not need to be loaded extremely heavily to be effective. Focus on an active and aggressive arch of the back and full range of motion and don’t push the loading past what allows this perfect movement and position. It can be done allowing the back to round, but this should be reserved only for very experienced lifters with healthy backs.
The seated good morning primarily strengthens the isometric position of the back arch used in the snatch, clean, squat and related exercises to improve the lifter’s stability, power transfer and safety. Secondarily, it strengthens the glutes and hamstrings, and can improve hip extensor flexibility. The seated good morning is somewhat more specific to the squat position than to the pulling position like the conventional good morning. It can also be used during times of injury as an alternative to the conventional good morning and pulling exercises.
Sets of 5-8 reps are most common, but can be taken up as high as 12-15 reps, especially for a prehab/rehab application. Weights can usually be 20-40% of the lifter’s best back squat.