Workout of the Day
3 Rounds:
10-20 sec Ring Support Hold
10-20 sec Bottom of Dip Hold
Rest as needed!
A1. 4 x 4-8 Tempo Ring Dips @ 3011
A2. 4 x 30 Sec Hanging L-Sit
Choose scaling options for today that allows you to work safely through these challenging gymnastic movements. This is the same as what we did two weeks ago, with more reps per set on the dips.
Intervals for Max Meters:
2:00 Row
2:00 Rest
1:30 Row
1:30 Rest
1:00 Row
1:00 Rest
0:30 Row
0:30 Rest
0:15 Row
In group class you’ll likely share an erg with someone else, trading off your work and rest periods. There will be a little extra transition time, which is fine!
For each interval, set your monitor for a “Single Time” workout, so you can have a meter count when you finish.
Even though there’s equal rest to work here, most of us will want to hold back just a bit on that first 2 min effort. The intent is to be able to go hard on all five intervals, including the final two, which are true sprints. If you know you recover very well in workouts like this, then start at a hot pace. If you tend to “fly and die,” take the opposite approach today.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
Toni and Matias with synchro Thrusters and outfits
Bringing back the blog comments for the ones I liked!
Fun one today! Love the vegetable eating of the dip and ring work. I need to work on my active flexibility to improve on the L-sits.
Stoked for this erg workout. Was originally going to go in with the plan to hit 2:05/500m for the first two pieces then speed up, but I hadn’t done race starts in awhile and forgot the exhilaration of seeing 1:32 on the monitor. Ended up keeping sub 1:57 for all the pieces. My 2k split when I was working on them was 1:51 so we’re not an eternity away from that. I think I totaled 1491m or in that vicinity, idk check the board.
Did a nice cool down and put my legs up the wall for a few minutes afterwards and gonna go eat a bunch of oatmeal and eggs.