Workout of the Day
A. Back Squat 3×6, Building
B. 3 Power Cleans + 3 Push Jerks x 6-8 sets
C1. 5 x 3-5 False Grip Ring Pull Up
C2. 5 x 30 Sec Parallette L-Sit (straight legs)
D. Bench Press 3×6, Building
Tomorrow we have power snatches, deadlifts, and wall walks.
C&J Complex: Aim to do 1 set about every 2 minutes. The cleans are not intended to be touch and go. Complete the 3 power cleans each as singles, resting 5-10 sec between. From your third clean, continue into 3 push jerks, focusing on a smooth, vertical dip with the weight in mid-foot for each rep.
Gymnastic Superset: Refer back to yesterday’s program for scaling and progression options!
17 Cal Bike
17 Air Squats
17 Double Unders
17 Push Ups
17 Ball Slams
CFSBK is 17 today!!! Let’s celebrate with this little combo.
Intent for the workout is 3-5+ Rounds. Make Captain Osorio proud: move through your air squats and push ups with virtuosity! Scale the push ups by elevating hands on a bench, box, or bar in a rack.
If the bike will take you longer than 2 minutes, scale it back in the realm of 12-15 calories.
DU Scaling:
A. 30-40 sec DU practice per round
B. 34 Single Unders
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/8)
2007 CFSBK1.0 with our weekly workout in St. Mary’s Playground. Pictured are Jamal and Jaime, the two first CFSBKers
CFSBK is 17 Today!!!
Today marks CFSBK’s 17th anniversary! Seventeen years ago, we ran our very first workout in St. Mary’s Playground, and we haven’t stopped moving forward since. The list of people who have made CFSBK such an enduring and special place is far too long to name. Thousands—possibly tens of thousands—of people have come through our doors (since we upgraded to having doors in 2008!), and each one has left a mark on the gym’s culture and rich history.
Thank you to everyone, past and present, who continues to make CFSBK, in our opinion, one of the greatest places on Earth. We love you all! Enjoy this trip down memory lane from some videos of CFSBK through the eons.
Class clip from 2008, still in the basement of the Brooklyn Lyceum! Some familiar faces still at CFSBK from this video!
This is a CrossFit Journal interview preview with David taken in 2009. The full version no longer exists 🙁
In 2010 a Healthbeat shot some training at our new home at 597 Degraw street. THE GYM LOOKS SO DIFFERENT
2011? Niteline comes to CFSBK to interview Robb Wolf on the Paleo Diet
2015 video we shot for CrossFit on Constance who is still a regular at the gym!
Which led to Norah O’Donnell and CBS This Morning coming to CFSBK to see for themselves!
Part of a larger series on the gym, in 2017 CrossFit came to CFSBK to document our secret formula for (it’s mainly just working hard and being nice)
A recent Rogue Fitness Gym tour of CFSBK
God that Crossfit Journal interview with David from 2009 is so good. No overdone production or camerawork, simple editing, no music, cityscape shots, gritty interview setup that looks as if someone just asked David to sit-down in the middle of an L1. It was so different from anything the “fitness industry” offered people at the time.
I’ll always cherish the memory of finding those early Crossfit Youtube videos when Youtube wasn’t even a thing. They captured Crossfit. Always a good reminder to revisit them. Congrats on 17 years CFSBK. Not many gyms have ever done it better.
I wish the full version still existed, but basically that’s exactly what happened they called me over during the lunch break and started rolling.
Thank you for the kind words noble yet anonymous community member
Happy 17 CFSBK! So many lives forever changed thanks to you all. I received such valuable feedback and coaching from every single coach in this gym— and I still rely on so much of that knowledge in my current gym. There will also always be a special place in my heart for coach whit whose guidance changed my life more than she might even know.
Every gym wants to have a community & top-notch coaching/programming like CFSBK— but it takes someone really brilliant like David to cultivate it.
There’s a part of me who wants to fly to NYC for a weekend so I can get some ring/ bar muscleup coaching from y’all that I can bring back home with me. No one does it quite like CFSBK!
To many more years!
This is so sweet of you Allie. I always say you get out of CFSBK what you put into it and you were an incredible part of our community and I know how much you both gained and gave to this place! <3
remember when the CFSBLK blog was a “thing”…?
Congrats DO, 17 years is a long time! Super grateful to have been a part of the CFSBK story from early on and for so long, and to be able to return home when I get the chance. Great seeing folks this past weekend, looking forward to my next visit.
Funny enough, last night Jess and I had dinner here in Dayton with an old SBK friend, Brian, who we met in the Lyceum days circa 2008…
Here’s to many more good times.
CFSBK bonds run deeeep. So great to see you and Jess this week! you know you’ve always got a home on Degraw Street.