Workout of the Day
With a partner, on a running clock, for time:
At 0:00:
8 Rounds Each:
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
At 12:00:
4 Rounds Each:
30 Wall Ball Shots
The goal is to finish the bike in under 30 seconds each round, keeping transitions tight. You should be aiming to complete the first part in 9 minutes or less. Adjust the calories as needed to have a solid 15- to 20-second sprint each round.
The second portion is intended to be unbroken and done in 1 minute per round per person. Adjust the weight of the ball and height of the target first and foremost to challenge each partner to go hard. Humble yourself and remove your ego from the picture if necessary! If weight/height have been scaled and 30 reps unbroken is still unmanageable, then reduce the volume of reps.
Scaling Option A
At 0:00:
8 Rounds each:
8/5 Calorie Assault BBike
At 12:00:
4 Rounds each:
30 Wall Ball Shots (lighter/lower)
Scaling Option B
At 0:00:
8 Rounds each:
20-Second Effort on Assault Bike
At 12:00:
4 Rounds each:
20 Wall Ball Shots
3-4 Sets:
12-15 DB Hammer Curls
12-15 Banded Tricep Extensions
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Free Dynamic Movement sessions with JMD!
Loooooooooong time CFSBK JMD (pictured above) will be hosting FREE movement sessions for CFSBK members! Each session will have a different focus. However, there will be crossover from week to week. Folks are encouraged to attend all three sessions. However, if you can only make it to one, that works too.
All sessions are from 1:15pm-2:30pm. These are free for CFSBK members, limited to 10 slots and folks are encouraged to sign up for all three sessions.
September 21st: Lightness. footwork, agility, jumping and landing
Register Here!
September 28th: Balance. dynamic and stationary. absorbing input, two feet, one foot
Register Here!
October 5th: Sight. steady gaze, tracking, peripheral vision, convergence and divergence, differentiating between movement of the head/neck and eyes
Register Here!
What will we be doing?
During these 75 minute sessions we will engage with a variety of games, drills, tasks, and partner scenarios. Generally speaking, the goal of these activities will be less about “getting good at them” and more about extracting awareness, skills and insights that we can absorb into our bodies and carry with us into other moments of our life.
Our time together will be informed by the world of ‘‘movement practice”.
What is a movement practice?
There are many ways to answer this question. Below are a few ideas from people and communities that have inspired and informed my practice:
“A movement practice is a comprehensive approach to physical activity that aims to develop the body and the mind harmoniously.” – APECO movement school
“The goal is to be strong, supple, expressive, coordinated, to develop movement intelligence, and ultimately to thrive in any physical situation.” Republic of Movement
Similar to Crossfit, there are entry points for people of all abilities.Take a look at the instagram accounts linked above and below for a visual sense of the kinds of work we will be engaging with.
Who am I?
My name is John. I am not a movement teacher. (I am a kindergarten teacher.) I have maintained a daily movement practice for the past seven years. I was a student of Frank Powers and Roseanne Serpico for several years. I now study with Marcello Palozzo. I was introduced to the world of strength and conditioning in my late twenties by David, Chris and Shane. CFSBK stand up!
I fucked up! Here’s the real workout. I’m in Mexico and can’t fix from my phone
With a partner, on a running clock, for time:
At 0:00
8 Rounds Each:
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
At 12:00
4 Rounds Each:
30 Wall Ball Shots
The goal is to finish the bike in under 30 seconds each round, keeping transitions tight. You should be aiming to complete the first part in 9 minutes or less. Adjust the calories as needed to have a solid 15- to 20-second sprint each round.
The second portion is intended to be unbroken and done in 1 minute per round per person. Adjust the weight of the ball and height of the target first and foremost to challenge each partner to go hard. Humble yourself and remove your ego from the picture if necessary! If weight/height have been scaled and 30 reps unbroken is still unmanageable, then reduce the volume of reps.
Scaling Option A
At 0:00
8 Rounds each:
8/5 Calorie Assault BBike
At 12:00
4 Rounds each:
30 Wall Ball Shots (lighter/lower)
Scaling Option B
At 0:00
8 Rounds each:
20-Second Effort on Assault Bike
At 12:00
4 Rounds each:
20 Wall Ball Shots
3-4 Sets:
12-15 DB Hammer Curls
12-15 Banded Tricep Extensions
Fixed now!