Workout of the Day
A1. 4 x 3-5 False Grip Ring Pull Up
A2. 4 x 30 Sec Parallette L-Sit `
Begin each rep with elbows locked in a full hang. Notice how the athlete in the video turns the knuckles OUT at the bottom of each rep, which allows for easier lockout.
This is new territory for a lot of us! If you’re developing that false grip strength, it’s OKAY to use a high box near the rings and to reset your grip on each rep as needed. These could even be 3-5 singles with 10-15 sec rest between. Pull as high as possible on each rep. Whatever scaling option you use, it should be one that allows you to finish with the hands/rings in physical contact with your chest.
We’ll have several options available for the L-Sits.
8 Rounds for Time
8 ea Single Arm KB Front Rack Squat @ 32/24/16kg
16 Abmat Sit Ups
*While Partner A completes a round, Partner B is rowing for max meters.
Athletes complete 8 rounds total as a team, 4 rounds each. Intent is < 12 min.
In this workout, both partners will be working the entire time. As one partner completes a round of squats and sit ups, the other partner will accumulate meters on the row. When the last sit up is completed, athletes switch roles. Partner B completes 1 round of squats/sit-ups while Partner A rows. Do not reset the monitor during the workout.
Score is two-fold: your time to complete the rounds AND your total meters rowed.
Choose a relatively challenging KB weight for 8 reps unbroken on each side.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Welcome (back) to CFSBK!
ICYMI here’s a short video we ask new folks to watch. It explains where to find the programming, (duh, here) how to track your workouts, what floater days are and how to keep in touch with the gym.