Workout of the Day
Every 2:30 x 5 sets
2 Weighted Chin Ups
Today, athletes doing weighted reps should push for heavier loads, as the volume is lower this week.
Strength Progression Options:
Adv: Chin Up, Accumulate 15-25 reps (bw + negatives if needed)
Int: Chin Up Negatives, 5×3 (bw or try adding some load today)
Beg: Foot Assisted Chin Up, 5×5 @ 2121 tempo
8 Kipping Pull Ups
8 DB Strict Press @ 40/25/17.5#
40′ DB Suitcase Walking Lunges
This one will burn the grip a bit. Choose a DB weight for the strict press that you can complete 8 reps unbroken.
For the lunge, start with toes behind one of the outside tape lines in the gym. Lunge until you cross the furthest line. Turn around and lunge again to return to where you started: 20′ down, 20′ back.
Pull Up Scaling
RX+ 8 CTB Kipping Pull Ups
A. 4-6 Kipping or Strict
B. 8 tough Ring Rows
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/8)
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CrossFit Games Finals Viewing Party?
Hey everyone, the CrossFit Games are this week starting on Thursday and running through Sunday. We’ve posted different ways you can check out the games but wanted to see if folks wanted to get together on Sunday at the gym to watch the finals. If 10 people say they’d come by we’ll put it on the big screen in 597! You can write your name on the whiteboard in 597 or post a comment if you’re in. We’ll confirm by Friday if we’re running it.
The schedule for the Games events have not been released yet but the Sunday finals are usually in the late morning or early afternoon.
I’ll come watch the finals!
Yee haw!!