Workout of the Day
“Mythic Strength”
Farmers & Sandbag Carry Medley
40 ft Farmers into 40 ft sandbag carry (RPE 7/8). 3 sets moderate-heavy, same weight across.
Rest 2-3 min.
Farmer’s carry 40 ft. Set down handles then immediately pick up a sandbag and run it back to where you started.
Farmer’s should be heavy, but not so heavy you can’t move your feet quickly.
Single Arm Twist DB Press & Single Leg DL
Press DB for 6-8 reps on one arm. Switch to Superset with SLDL, do one leg, then return to press for other arm and then to SLDL for other leg.
Rest 30 sec between each set of each movement. 90 b/t rounds. 4 rounds, building.
4 rounds for quality, building in weight so the first set primes, and the latter sets are hard and heavy. SLDL with supportive foot braced against wall.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
55 Deadlifts
55 Wall Ball Shots
55 calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-Ups
55 Burgers
55 Fries
55 Tacos
55 Pies
55 Cokes
100 Tater Tots
Ok that made me lol
smart to double the tots
Always dbl the tots