Workout of the Day
Open Workout 16.4/17.4
55 Deadlifts (225/155#)
55 Wall Ball Shots (20#,10′ / 14#,9′)
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push Ups
This was a workout that we saw two years in a row in the CrossFit Open! If you’ve been around for a minute, track back in your log book or on the games leaderboard for your previous result.
Watch Brooke Wells & Brenda Castro complete 17.4
Athlete’s score will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 13-minute time cap. Most athletes will not complete 1 full round of work. Think of this like a chipper, and take out as big of a chunk as you can!
Deadlift: load should be moderately heavy, something you can cycle for 12-15 reps when fresh. Choose a weight that feels very reasonable so you can move on to the rest of the workout without being completely wrecked.
Wall ball: choose a load/height you can do 15+ reps unbroken with when fresh
HSPU may be strict or kipping. Prerequisite to kip as at least 1 strict rep to full ROM.
Intermediate Option
DL 155/105#
WB 20#,9′ / 10#,9′
Box Piked HSPU
Beginner Option
DL 135/95#
WB 14#,9′ / 10#,8′
Seated DB Press 35/20/12.5# ea hand
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
Too cute! Gym buddies Super Karl, Laura B, Elizabeth F and Kelly B went to Paris to see the Olympics IRL!
6pm Blog Posts
In case you haven’t noticed, the past two cycles we’ve switched to posting the following day’s workout at 6pm. Are we perfect with this? No. Occasionally David messes up but FOR THE MOST PART, we’ve gotten this blog post up by 6pm.
YES IVE NOTICED THE 6PM POSTING it’s awesome and a game changer thank you thank you 👏👏👏