Workout of the Day
A1. Back Squat
A2. DB Bench Press
3×6-8 @ 3111 tempo
BSQ: If you were here last week, aim to go heavier than your 8’s. You can build in weight again OR go sets across.
Week 1: 145×8, 155×8, 165×8
Week 2: 3×6 @ 175#
DB Bench Press tempo is 3 seconds down, 1 second full stop pause resisting gravity at the bottom, then drive up and reset. Aim to find a good sensation of stretch across your chest at the bottom of each rep.
4 Intervals of:
AMRAP 2 min
12 Hand Release Push Ups
15/12/9 Calorie Row
Max Reps DB Suitcase Box Step Overs in remaining time
*Rest 1 min between Intervals
Intent is that the push ups + row takes you no more than 1:30 so you have at least 30 seconds per round to do step overs. Scale the volume of work or push up difficulty accordingly. On the step overs, use your outside leg to step up. You do not need to stand all the way up on the box. Choose a weight you can move at a good pace without having to stop.
Push Up Scaling:
A. 6-10 Hand Release
B. 10 Elevated (challenging in 1-2 sets)
Step Overs:
Height: 24/20/16″
Weight: 40/25/17.5# DB in each hand
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)
New Role & Promotion @ CFSBK
CFSBK is proud to announce that coach Whitney has been promoted to a new role at the gym called the Director of Training. Whitney first walked through CFSBK’s doors in 2009 and has seen and done it all from member, to front desk staffer, to coach and now our DOT. Her professionalism and passion for coaching is evident to everyone who’s worked with her and we couldn’t be more excited to have her in this role. Please join us in congratulating coach Whit on this promotion!
The Director of Training role will spearhead three critical areas that contribute to the ongoing success of CFSBK:
1. Onboarding: Through organized processes, we’ll ensure new coaches integrate smoothly into our gym culture while utilizing their unique voice.
2. Group Class Programming: While Coach Whit won’t write every cycle, part of the role will be to orchestrate and shape the class program across the calendar year.0
3. Coach Development and Continuing Education: Central to this role is the cultivation of a learning culture. By investing time and energy into the professional growth of everyone on the coaching staff, we’ll continue to develop our skills and elevate the member experience.
Woohoo! Congratulations to everyone, especially Whit, but we’re all lucky!
Huge congratulations, Whitney!! And agreed that we are all fortunate.
Such a well deserved role!! Congrats to Whitney!
Congratulations Whit
Congrats, Whit!!! So excited for you and for the community!!!
Congrats Whit!
Congratulations Whit, so well deserved!! Now we need to make those WhitFit tshirts official merch 💪
Couldn’t be more thrilled for Whit, us members and the whole CFSBK community – hooray!