Workout of the Day
A. Push Press, 3×8-10
B. Back Squat 3×8, building / SA DB Row 3 x 8-12 ea
C. Clean Pull + Mid Hang Clean, 6x(1+2)
D. Close Grip Bench Press, 3×8, building
Choose a lift that rounds out your week! Option to superset with a bodyweight or DB/KB movement.
AMRAP 5:00
8 DB Strict Press (50/35/20# ea hand)
8/6/4 Bike Calories
Rest 3 min
AMRAP 5:00
8 Ring Rows
8 Shuttle Runs (20′)
Partners alternate full rounds. Keep a hot pace on the bike and shuttle runs, and keep your transitions tight. Intent is 3 rounds each! Can you get more?
Choose a DB weight that will have you flirting with the line of doing your 8 reps unbroken. It should feel significantly heavy from the beginning of the workout.
Put your feet in the same place each time for ring rows. Keep them strict and resist the urge to use momentum or kip from your hips.
1 shuttle run = 1 “pass” from one outer line to the other. So each round is 8 one-way passes, 4 “down-and-backs.” Both feet and 1 hand touch the ground beyond the line at each turnaround.